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  • abortion: should be limited to the morning-after pill.
  • affirmative action: was worthwhile once but should now be eliminated. you're either qualified or not.
  • animal testing: is wrong. let's solve our own messes.
  • biological weapons: we should be looking to contain and cure possible outbreaks, not cause them.
  • assisted suicide: your life is yours to save or throw away. if you are never going to get better, then you have the right to die in the most comfortable way possible.
  • capital punishment: is just.
  • cloning: is fine for endangered animals, but not people. (watch the island)
  • dependence on oil: needs to end. we're never going to get out of it with car dealerships and oil companies paying off inventors. brilliant minds are figuring out new, inexpensive ways to help us out. without mandatory regulations on vehicles and oil companies, we will never make any progress. in order to make progress, someone has to lose.
  • drugs: should be legalized.
  • education: is the most important thing you can ever give. the school systems should be better funded but needs to stop shepherding these kids. we aren't all the same. help us be successful, don't just kick us while you keep us down.
  • environment: this planet is a living thing. you wouldn't cut up and dissect a living baby would you? would you harvest its kidneys while it cries in your hands and just feed its innards to rottweilers? be gentle. it's the only one we've got.
  • euthanasia: if the animal is in pain and can never get better, then help it.
  • gay marriage: if two people want to commit, their sex shouldn't matter
  • global warming: the poles will shift or without us. that doesn't mean we shouldn't do all we can to save our planet.
  • gun control: is bullshit.
  • health care: is something for each person to decide. universal health care has yet to work for any country that's tried. let's not follow suit.
  • homelessness: isn't always their fault. help the homeless, don't shove them away. they can't get out of that situation without some help.
  • immigration: should be controlled, but not at extreme costs. help people become citizens. make them pay taxes.
  • nuclear power: isn't the best source, but it's the best we've got. i'm for it.
  • separation of church and state: is getting ridiculous. yes, the pope shouldn't be president. no, if four hundred kids don't mind praying before a football game, we shouldn't have to stop because it offends your delicate sensibilities. if you aren't religious, don't pray. it's not rocket science.
  • sex ed: should spend more time with kids relating to each other than you preaching how we should behave. we want to hear from someone who's been there.
  • smoking: is a drug. if pot's illegal, cigarettes definitely should be.
  • stem cell research: is just an abortion that can save lives. if you're pro-choice, then let's chose to help others too.
  • taxes: flat taxes should replace the god-awful bracket system we have. it's fare to everyone.
  • prostitution: it's her body - his choice.
  • war on terror: isn't great, but the people fighting from our side volunteered. get over this 'get our troops home' crap. this is their job.
jul 11 2010 ∞
jul 29 2010 +