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I am worthy of the highest happiness and most vibrant, unconditional love.

I am receptive, yielding, and deeply grateful for every blessing I receive. Because I expect good things, I draw an abundance of good outcomes into my life.

In His infinite love and mercy, God multiplies my blessings the more I thank Him.

I am deeply worthy of the depth of love and understanding I crave; I am worthy of receiving the same tenderness I extend to others.

I am exquisitely beautiful in every sense of the word; my body, mind, and spirit are beautiful creations of the Most Beautiful God.

I find possibility, meaning, and joy in the smallest of life's wonders and express my captivation with the unrestrained freedom of a child.

As I learn to accept myself more deeply and embrace my intrinsic gifts, I make it easier for people around me to embrace themselves and flourish as well.

As I manifest good things for myself, I use my blessings to uplift, inspire, and enrich others.

I acknowledge my fear and uncertainty, but I do not allow it to inhibit my growth or prevent me from pursuing happiness & excellence.

I remain content in the face of setbacks and use past pain to fuel my sense of resilience, optimism, and inner strength. No matter what challenges life brings, I can face them with grace and a positive attitude.

I freely offer love, encouragement, hope, and praise to anyone who needs it, with the understanding that one of the Divine reasons for my existence is to bring healing to beings in need.

I deeply respect myself and am firmly committed to my values, beliefs, and boundaries; this commitment allows me to flourish and become more of the woman I've always dreamed of becoming.

I do not allow the fear of being misunderstood, misjudged, or harmed prevent me from speaking the deepest truths of my mind and soul. I trust other people to understand where I'm coming from & strive to understand them just as openly.

I forgive myself for all the areas in which I've faltered and fallen short, and I have hope in God's forgiveness and the capacity He's given me to continue to grow, learn, and improve.

I am able to trust myself to make wise decisions that will facilitate my highest good and allow me to increase the goodness I can bring to the world.

I have the intellectual capability, drive, and discipline to achieve all of my goals, no matter how big or small.

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jan 24 2021 ∞
mar 15 2023 +