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  • From where am I deriving my self-worth- externally, or internally? How can I change my thinking, right this moment, so that my sense of value and well-being comes entirely from a healthy place within?
  • When I get past my own troubles, who out there can I be of help to?
  • What is the value of being alone, of having time to myself to reflect and do things I enjoy? How can I make the most of this time?
  • Which needless, self-made fears are obstructing my path? What good things am I preventing myself from doing by letting these fears control and distress me?
  • What can I appreciate or love about myself? Instead of dwelling on everything I'm doing wrong, what am I doing right? What are some reasons to be excited or proud or grateful at being who I am?
  • Am I upset right now due to genuinely grave problems which cannot be perceived in any other light? Or could these problems become non-issues if I viewed them through a less negative lens?
  • As I sit here feeling sorry for myself, how much luckier am I than the average human being in this world? What are some small, arbitrary things I could stop and experience gratitude for?
  • Is my sadness coming directly from the causes I'm attributing it to, or am I letting sadness from other things seep into and skew my emotions as a whole?
  • Why shouldn't I let myself be happy and okay? Why am I spending time being sad, when being happy is an equally accessible option if I should be ready to choose it?
  • If I'm feeling dejected over the behavior of others towards me, why should I aid their mistreatment of me by dwelling on it and making it worse?
  • At the end of the day, who do I actually need in my life? Am I present enough for those who need me?
  • If I think leaving this all behind would be so easy, why not take a risk or two before the last hour arrives? Why not make a life change in the way of pursuing my dreams and strive to live the life I've long imagined?
  • When worrying about potential problems, am I being beneficially cautious, or am I simply anticipating trouble where it doesn't yet exist and stressing myself out needlessly?
  • If I truly believe that I should be the pilot of my own life, why should I feel intimidated by the prospect of being controlled? Shouldn't I just resolve, once and for all, to be strong enough to fight back at all costs against anything that tries to dominate me?
  • Would it behoove me to be entirely objective and unemotional, my perceptions unfiltered by a sense of 'self'? Would this be lucidity, or would it mean to cease to be human?
  • What benefits lie in allowing myself to contemplate negative states of mind without judgment or apprehension?

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sep 23 2010 ∞
sep 17 2016 +