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  • unassuming, unjudging company
  • calm, uninterrupted silence
  • a long and tender embrace
  • a friendly hand to hold
  • permission to cry freely
  • a change of perspective
  • time away
  • attentive listening with no intent to rationalize or reply
  • a heartfelt reminder of precisely what they mean and how wonderful they truly are
  • reassurance that things will eventually get better, and examples of ways this may happen
  • subtle encouragement to remember all the beautiful things in life... a surprise hike in the woods, a picnic at the park, etc; preferably something they enjoy
  • a reminder that God is the greatest of healers, acquainted with every pain, aware of every heartache... and that He knows.
  • dua'as and positive energy
  • a comforting massage
  • a soft, huggable blanket, stuffed animal, or pillow
  • a favorite meal
  • aromatherapy
  • as much rest & sleep as possible
  • surprise gifts/kind gestures
  • help with their responsibilities/stressors without needing to ask
  • helping them uncover the true root of the issue, and letting them know it's perfectly okay/reasonable for them to be upset... but also assuring them that the sadness won't last forever
  • a firm, sincere reminder that you'll always, unconditionally, under any circumstance, love, accept, and support them
  • sincere assurance that they can acknowledge their true emotions without feeling selfish, foolish, or degraded
  • a childish distraction
  • simple reasons to smile & laugh
  • help with forgiving themselves if it's a matter of guilt or regret
  • the company of a kind child or nurturing animal
  • boundless, unrestrained sympathy. i should never let my ego, biases, or irritability get in the way of my empathy for a fellow being.

x r

jul 15 2010 ∞
sep 17 2016 +