• Don't forget how much you need solitude and introspection; no matter how many new friends you make, take time out every so often to relish just being alone.
  • Don't make yourself miserable trying to avoid loneliness. Don't waste time with people who don't truly care about you.
  • Be friendly to people around you, especially classmates you see often. Be a source of joy and comfort for others.
  • Listen to your gut instincts about people. Don't let your sympathy blind you from the possible harm someone could cause you.
  • Do what you know is right. Don't try to anticipate the repercussions or worry about being misunderstood... if something is good, it's good.
  • Stop talking yourself out of things.
  • Don't let curiosity become obsession.
  • Remain forgiving and non-judging toward people and don't let other peoples' biases prevent you from giving someone a chance. You never know where you might find a diamond in the rough and get the opportunity to help it shine.
oct 21 2011 ∞
sep 21 2012 +