July 29th, 2010

    • Dreaming that you have a headache, suggests that you are heading in the wrong direction. You may be repressing your intellect and rational thinking. You need to utilize your mind and not let your emotions get out of control.
    • Thinking too hard
    • A feeling that something is threatening your self-identity or sense of self, possibly a lapse in personal integrity
    • Taking medication is always indicative of an attempt to restore one's health. Your unconscious mind may be encouraging you to take measures to insure your health and happiness. Consider all of the details of your dream and decide if the medication taken was helpful or hurtful. Try to connect these thoughts to your situations in daily life.
    • To dream of medicine, if pleasant to the taste, a trouble will come to you, but in a short time it will work for your good; but if you take disgusting medicine, you will suffer a protracted illness or some deep sorrow or loss will overcome you.
    • If the dreamer is drinking water, this is a symbol for enjoying life. If the dreamer is presently in bad circumstances, dreaming of drinking water implies that good times are ahead.
    • Drinking water says that one has successfully cleaned himself from sins.
    • To dream that you are drinking water, represents spiritual refreshment. You will find resolution by looking within yourself and your past. Alternatively, the dream may indicate that you are really thirsty.
    • Anger. The feeling you have toward something or someone in waking life, but are unwilling or unable, because of circumstances, to recognize or express. If your dream anger results in aggressive action, consider whether that action is positive and self protective, which may indicate growing strength and power or possibility destruction and hostility.
    • When you have a dream about argument and arguing it suggests that tension you have ignored is making itself known. Who are you arguing with in the dream? Another person or an aspect of yourself. Does argument get resolved or do you feel helpless? This dream allows you to release feelings about situation that you have hard time facing.
    • To argue with someone that you know within a dream, maybe a subconscious expression of __a will to argue with a person that you would not readily argue with in real life_. In prophetic dreams an argument can also be considered a warning against impulsive decisions and a very clear warning to think before you act.
    • Dreams with fathers in them can be looked at on several different levels. You may be dreaming about your father and expressing your feelings about him in a safe way. Traditionally, a father dream can be seen as symbolizing authority and power.
    • If you were watching children playing, this is a sign of success and happiness, both in your personal and professional life.
    • To see a warehouse in your dream, represents stored energy or hidden resources. The warehouse also refers to memories. Alternatively, the warehouse means that you are putting your ambitions and goals on hold.
    • To dream that you forgot or can't find where you parked your car, indicates that you are dissatisfied or unhappy with an aspect of your waking life. You do not know what you really want to do with your life or where you want to go.
    • Look at who is in the driver's seat. Is it a parent, a spouse, a child, a friend? How do you feel about the person driving the car? Are you happy about where they taking you? If you like the person driving the car and are happy about where you are going, this dream might point to you wishing that you handled your life like the person in the dream does. It might also be a wish for being 'rescued' by that person from a situation in your life that you are unhappy with.
    • Alternatively, if you don't like the person driving or the course you're on, it may feel like that person is in charge of your life, or that you feel like you're making the same choices as someone whose life you feel is less than ideal.
jul 29 2010 ∞
jul 29 2010 +