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  • "gesundheit" - german. literally means "health".
  • "alhamdulillah" - arabic. meaning "praise be to god"
  • "bud zdorov" - russian. translating to "be healthy".
  • "bai sui" - chinese. meaning "may you live one hundred years".
  • "sanatate" - romanian. also translating to "be healthy".
  • "la-bree-oot" - hebrew. meaning "to health".
  • "çok ya--a" - turkish. translating to "live long".
  • "sto lat" - polish. also meaning, "may you live to be 100".
  • "hadaakallah" - muslim. apparently meaning "may allah guide you".
  • also, in french it is customary to say "a vos (tes) souhaits," (ah-voh-soo-eh) which literally means "to your wishes." at the second sneeze, you then say "a vos (tes) amours" which means "to your loves." if the person sneezes a third time, it is then customary for that person to respond "et que les vôtres (tiens) durent toujours" which means "and let yours last forever."
jun 20 2009 ∞
mar 6 2013 +