- cloudy days
- rain
- old movies
- crisp cold weather
- warm wind
- the smell of cigarettes
- old music
- genuine people
- shoulders
- wrists
- elbows
- hands
- laughter
- mutual smiles
- flickering lights
- vagabonds
- long car rides
- imaginary conversations
- johnny "green bean"
- pears/fruit in general
- thrift stores
- worn shoes
- daydreams
- incent sticks
- childhood memories
- feeling nostalgic
- record players/ record shops
- caset tapes
- sleeping on roofs
- tripping together on the sidewalk
- mismatched socks
- philosophical quotes
- the smell of books
- vintage tea cups
- nature
- kind eyes
- layers
- cold fingertips
- the lighting and smell of coffee shops
- ma & pa type shops
may 27 2009 ∞
jul 12 2012 +