- practice practice practice my art. hone those skills. especially figure drawing
- talk to my professors. get in good with them.
- research graduate school, cost, places, degree path etc.
- submit my writing and art work! Seriously, i need to get my work out there, gain some damn exposure.
- research the main players of the game in the art community and writing world.
- fix my car and fucking drive all over town. I'm really too damn old, and I need to get over this stupid fear of driving.
- Get a job. I look like a real loser without one, and hey, i'd like to spend some cash on my cutie-pie...and you know gas for the car would come in handy.
- have a game plan. I need to figure out a direction BEFORE i graduate. what career path am I leaning towards, and how am i going to get there.
- also, i should look up studying abroad. i need to dot his before i become too old and tied down, uggg, i can't smash my dreams prematurely.
- visit the doc and discus possible therapy (highly doubtful, but i can't keep putting this off forever), anti-anxiety meds, and birth control pills.
- save up money, talk to brittini and see how likely it is to get an apartment.
- regularly exercise and do yoga stretches. cut down on the sugar, increase the water intake, and eat healthier in general.
- get my skin cleared up, lazer treatments. ouch, but it needs to be done.
nov 10 2012 ∞
nov 10 2012 +