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  • I am proud of my shrugs
  • I have been disappointed so many times, that I naturally think every sad thing is beautiful.
  • I find comfort in doing nothing but thinking.
  • I am a happy person who says depressing things.
  • I see the common grounds and so should you
  • i'm 18 and still waiting for my life to actually begin. I'm afraid I'll be eighty years old, and I will still be waiting.
    • I'm now 20 and I'm still waiting
  • Deep down I've always believed I am meant for something really big
  • I am afraid that the only thing I like to do, won't take me anywhere. I hope I am wrong.
  • I can't wait till I prove them all wrong.
  • I hate knowing that I'm going to look back on my high school years and say, "I missed out".
  • I hate this town but I never leave.
  • I wish I were an I could blame the drugs for why I'm so messed up.
  • I'm starting to realize my indecisiveness is a far worse fate than making the wrong decision.
  • My anxiety is out of control.
  • My generation makes me sick.
  • Surprise! Adolescence is not an exciting adventure. It's actually very boring...and lonelier than you could ever imagine.
may 25 2010 ∞
jun 24 2012 +