like sex drugs and cocoa puffs by chuck klosterman, this is a compilation of essays about my view of pop culture.
- zombies: the face of modern warfare
- feat. the c.d.c. and realism versus consumerism
- "vampires will never hurt you"
- twilight and the evolution of vampires
- the harry potter generation
- hbo, bbc, and other premium channels
- the struggling nerd-fighter
- anime, rpgs, cons, and living in your mother's basement
- emo, scene, hipster, and future fads
- procrastination and the high school mentality
- natalie portman, closer, and the aging rockstar
- stargate and the ancient astronaut theory
- if this is your first night at fight club
- second class citizens in the first world
- "sex is not the enemy"
- lgbtqia rights, third-wave feminism, reverse slutshaming, and what they have in common
- joss whedon, steven moffat, and the dichotomy of women in visual media
- "monsters live inside us, and sometimes, they win"
- renfield's syndrome, clinical lycanthropy, and other (more common) delusions of grandeur
jun 5 2013 ∞
jan 4 2015 +