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astronomers recognize 88 constellations depicting 14 humans, 9 birds, 2 insects, 19 land animals, 10 water creatures, 2 centaurs, one head of hair, a serpent, a dragon, a flying horse, a river and 29 inanimate objects.

The Zodiac:

The Northern Hemisphere:

  • The Southern Hemisphere:
    • Antlia (the pump)
    • Apus (the bird of paradise)
    • Ara (the altar)
    • Caelum (the chisel)
    • Carina (the ship's keel)
    • Centaurus (the centaur)
    • Chamaeleon (the chameleon)
    • Circinus (the compass)
    • Columba (the dove)
    • Corona Australis (the southern crown)
    • Crux (the southern cross)
    • Dorado (the swordfish)
    • Fornax (the furnace)
    • Grus (the crane)
    • Horologium (the clock)
    • Hydrus (the water snake)
    • Indus (the Indian)
    • Lepus (the rabbit)
    • Mensa (the table)
    • Microscopium (the microscope)
    • Musca (the fly)
    • Norma (the surveyor's level)
    • Octans (the octant)
    • Pavo (the peacock)
    • Phoenix (the phoenix)
    • Pictor (the easel)
    • Puppis (the ship's stern)
    • Pyxis (the ship's compass)
    • Reticulum (the net)
    • Sagitta (the arrow)
    • Sculptor (the sculptor)
    • Telescopium (the telescope)
    • Triangulum Australe (the southern triangle)
    • Tucana (the toucan)
    • Vela (the ship's sails)
    • Volans (the flying fish)
may 6 2013 ∞
jun 27 2016 +