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love it: may i have some more

nah, son: personally not buying again

  • ultrabland: $30, wax based cleanser will make you break out if you can't get it off; you can never get it off
  • fresh farmacy (face wash): $10, while it's not messy and does reduce redness, it leaves face uncomfortably dry
  • grease lightning (spot treatment): $14, good product, but not worth the price of admission if you are already using a toner
  • light yellow (foundation): $17, smells bad, goes sour, doesn't cover well enough to merit dealing with
  • cynthia sylvia stout (liquid shampoo): $30, smells really, really bad
  • lovely jubblies (boob cream): $26, works as well as cocobutter; while it doesnt smell unbealivably floral in the pot, when it goes on your skin and gets warmed by your body, the smell intensifies; do not use if you have asthma or any floral allergies whatsoever
  • aromaco (deoderant): $7, smells alright, but it's very hard to apply
sep 4 2013 ∞
feb 17 2015 +