stuff i want to research and read books about. maybe even write books about. this list includes historical events, ppl, medical stuff, mythology, philosophy and so on and so on. this list is probably going to be endless because i'm interested in everything but whatever.
- adolf hitler
- aksumite empire
- albert fish
- alcatraz
- alchemism
- alternative medicine
- american history
- ancient
- ancient astronauts
- anne bonny & mary read
- anima mundi
- archetypes x x
- ascended masters
- autism
- ayurveda
- aztecs
- baba wanga
- babylon
- babylonische mythologie
- bagua & taoism
- berlin wall
- bible & bible history (garden eden, adam & eve, genesis & exodus, jesus, judas iscariot, moses, judith & holofernes, ...) x
- black paintings by francisco goya
- bluebeard
- bonnie & clyde
- british big cats
- bubonic plague
- buddhism
- butterfly effect
- byzantine x x
- cabinet of curiosities
- cannibalism in legends and folklore
- capgras delusion
- carl gustav jung/animus und anima/archetypen
- caterina sforza
- catherine the great
- celts / celtic tribes x x x
- chagga
- changelings & fairies
- chinese history
- christiania
- civil war
- clapham wood
- cosmogeny
- countries & their history
- china
- germany
- japan
- scotland
- usa
- cults
- danaë
- dante's inferno
- death
- deja vu & jamais vu
- delphine lalaurie
- der blaue reiter (marc/kandinsky)
- dullahan
- ed gein
- elisabeth empress of austria-hungary
- erzsébet báthory
- fairy tales, the original ones
- 1001 nights
- aesops fables
- grimm
- hans christian andersen
- fertile crescent
- frida kahlo
- garden of earthly delights
- gehenna
- genres
- geomancy
- germania
- germanic tribes
- ghost towns
- glass delusion
- grace sherwood
- great blizzard of 1888
- grýla
- gypsies
- hades & persephone
- heaven, hell & purgatory
- icarus
- inca/mayan
- indigenous peoples
- islam
- jack the ripper
- japanese, russian and celtic folklore
- japans 72 microseasons
- jerusalem syndrome
- jonestown massacre
- kalash
- kaspar hauser
- kerberos
- leonardo da vinci
- louisiana bayou country
- major arcana // tarot x x x
- marianas trench
- mary queen of scots
- matriarchat
- melisende of jerusalem
- mesopotamia
- midas touch
- more mythological creatures
- mughal empire
- multiverse
- mursi tribe
- mysteries
- mystik/christliche mystik
- mythology
- chinese
- egypt
- greek
- icelandic
- irish
- japanese
- norse
- scottish
- scandinavic
- slavic
- welsh
- inspiration
- neanderthals
- nekropole
- nihilism
- nostradamus
- nuckelavee
- occult / pagan / wiccan / druids
- oncology
- ottoman empire
- pachamama
- pandora's box
- panopticons
- parallel universes
- peoples temple
- perperusa
- persepolis
- persia x x
- phoenicia
- pica
- pina bausch
- poets (robert frost, khalil gibran, rainer maria rilke, e.e. cummings, charles bukowski, charles baudelaire, pablo neruda, rumi, fernando pessoa, michael faudet)
- pompeii
- poto and cabengo
- pressure points
- psychology
- psychiatry
- psychopathology
- pyramus & thisbe
- quantum physics
- radioactive rain
- real witches (agnes waterhouse, marie laveau, chedipe, north berwick witch trials, mother shipton, märet jonsdotter, alice kyteler)
- reincarnation
- rococo
- romulus & remus
- rusalka
- sacred geometry
- salem witch trials
- samhain, beltane, imbolc & lugnasa
- sankebetsu brown bear incident
- scheherazade
- sects (cults, flds, etc)
- seelenwanderung
- senoi
- shamanism
- shape of the universe
- the sick child
- silk route
- southern gothic & dark folk
- spiritual beliefs
- stanford-prison-experiment
- stigmatisation
- stockholm syndrome
- the stolen generation
- tabula smaragdina
- tanganyika laughter epidemic
- tarot cards
- theology
- buddhism
- islam
- hinduism
- christianity
- judaism
- confucianism
- other
- tilla tepe
- time periods & times
- universal history
- prehistory
- ancient history (see "ancient egypt, greece, rome")
- post-classical history
- middle ages
- early modern
- baroque
- late modern
- machine age (world war I, roaring twenties, great depression, world war II)
- atomic age (post-war, the fifties, cold/korean/vietnam war, the sixties)
- post-modern (the seventies, eighties, nineties, 2000s)
- contemporary
- see more
- tir na nog
- toltecs
- tower of babel
- troy
- tuareg and other nomads
- unesco's world heritage
- THE UNIVERSE x (see also: astronomy)
- valhalla
- victorian medicine
- vietnam war
- vikings
- viktor frankl
- weltanschauungen
- weltenberg (meru)
- wendigo
- wilhelm reich
- witchcraft
- world war I and II
- worpswede (künstlerkolonie)
- yggdrasil
- zen