- Abbé - priest
- abdominaux - to do sit-ups
- abeille - bee
- abîme - damage
- accolade - embrace
- accrocher - to catch, attract;
- accroissement - increase
- achat - purchase, to do some shpping.
- acheter - vt. to buy.
- acte - action
- adepte - follower
- adieu - goodbye
- aérer - to air
- affamé - starving
- affolement - panic
- affreux - dreadful
- agacer - to irritate
- agente - policeman
- agripper - to grab
- aïe - ouch!
- ambience - atmosphere
- ambitieux - ambitious
- ananas - pineapple
- angine - throat infection
- antillais - West indies
- anxieux - anxious
- angloterre - England
jun 6 2016 ∞
oct 16 2016 +