• Inside the forest there are many birds

people are of many different kinds and abilities - chinese proverb

  • Per ardua ad astra - [Through struggle to the stars]

Latin, motto of the mulvany family, quoted and translated by rider haggard in his novel the people of the mist (1894), and still in use as a motto of the royal air force, having approved by king george V in 1913.

  • After hardship comes relief.

African proverb, mid 20th century

  • What you see is what you get

used generally to mean the function and value of something can be deduced from its outward appearance, and that there are no hidden drawbacks or advantages.

  • You can't tell a book by it's cover

outward appearance is not guide to a person's real nature. English Proverb

  • the more arguments you win, the less friends you have

American proverb, mid 20th century.

  • The longest journey begins with a single step

often used to emphasize how important a single decision may be; late 20th-century saying, ultimately derived from words of the chinese philosopher Lao Tzu (c.604-c.531 BC) in the Tao-te ching, 'A tower of nine storeys begins with a heap of earth. the journey of a thousand li starts from where one stands'

  • A book is like a garden carried in the pocket

Middle Eastern saying

  • A library is a repository of medicine for the mind

American proverb, mid 20th century

  • And Now for something completely different

Catchphrase popularized in Monty Python's. Flying circus (BBC Tv show (1969 - 74)

  • Cet animal est trés méchant: Quand on l'attaque, il se défend ['This animal is very vicious: when attacked, it defends itself']

Ironic recognition that a natural urge to defend yourself may be interpreted ad aggression; French proverb.

  • Character is what we are; reputation is what others think we are .

american proverb, mid 20th century.

  • Diamonds cuts diamonds .

Used of persons who are evenly matched in wit or cunning (only a diamond is hard enough to cut another diamond) English Proverb, early 17th century.

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jun 6 2016 ∞
oct 16 2016 +