- amazonite: expression, balance, inspiration, stimulation, communication, memory
- amber: transmutes negative energy into positive; bridges conscious self to the Divine; facilitates meditation; engenders communion and communication with spirit guides and angels; enlivening, stimulating, strengthening
- amethyst: protection, stability, peace; healing on all levels - body, mind, and spirit; raises vibrational frequency; protects against negative energies; healing; soothing; fights addiction, integration, spiritual calm, healing
- angelite: steadiness, coolness, attentiveness
- apatite: structure, flexibility, strength
- apophyllite: nature, clarity, transcendence
- aquamarine: breathing (lungs, allergies); cleansing; throat chakra; empowerment, cooling, clarifying, soothing, lightening
- aragonite: practicality, self-discipline, centering
- aventurine: healing, abundance, growth, balance, tranquility, stability
- azurite: deep release, old memory, integration
- black tourmaline: grounding, protecting, realigning
- bloodstone: detoxifying, healing, grounding; used as a talisman when there is a desire to transform a part of one's life; courage, strength, support, stimulation
- blue lace agate: gently cooling, nurturing, comforting
- bronzite: security, integration, relaxation
- calcite: soothing, calming, cooling
- carnelian: creativity, physical vitality, grounding, releasing, repairing, warming
- celestite: ethereal, revealing, blissful, uplifting
- chalcopyrite: protective, cleansing, stimulating
- charoite: calm perspective, flexibility, awareness
- chlorite: opening, sensitizing, revealing
- chrysocolla: absorbing, communication, relaxing
- chrysoprase: serenity, harmony, calm
- citrine: abundance, emotional balance, chakra cleanser; happiness, success, dispels negativity
- copper: anti-inflammatory, smoothing, unifying
- coral: community, strength, connectivity
- danburite: brightness, transformation, intution
- diamond: purifies; amplifies thoughts and feelings - both positive and negative; brilliance, alignment, connectivity
- diopside: revelation, growth, renewal
- dioptase: stimulating, nourishing, expanding
- dumortierite: understanding, conciliation, equlibrium
- emerald: calming, cleansing, harmonizing
- epidote: gathering, strengthening, practical
- flint: repair, knowledge, confidence
- flourite: healing, protective, cleansing, coordination, innovation, inspiration
- garnet: initiating, stimulating, fiery
- gold: confidence, creativity, stability
- halite: absorbing, protecting, stablilizing
- heliodor: refreshing, restoring, clearing, quietening
- hematite: "blood stone;" grounding, balancing, detoxifying; clarifies thoughts; improves memory; calms anxiety; improves relationships; increases intuition; empowering; grounding
- howlite: calming, awareness, spiritual
- ioite: clear thinking, decision-making, empathy
- jade: cleansing - kidneys, spleen, supra-adrenal glands; dream stone; soothes the mind; wisdom; calm; prosperity; belonging, stablity, instinct
- jasper: practical, grounding, repairing
- dalmatian jasper: grounding, protection, repel negative energy
- red jasper: nurturing, grounding, stabilizing, vitality, physical energy, base chakra
- jet: stability, calm, perspective
- kunzite: love, support, understanding, peace
- kyanite: connecting, friction-less flow, release
- labradorite: openness, flexibility, protecting
- lapis lazuli: deep wisdom and intuition; opens the third eye and leads to enlightenment, truth, memory, awareness
- larimar: far horizons, equanimity, acceptance
- lepidolite: fulfillment, security, instinct
- limonite: attuning, simplofying, de-cluttering
- magnetite: aligning, grounding, directing
- malachite: protection, emotional healing, balancing, soothing, detoxifying, absorbent
- meteorite: perception, new horizons, awakening
- moldavite: transforming, expanding, amplofying
- mookaite: safety, practical solutions, smoothing
- moonstone: intuition, inspiration, goddess energy; balances yin and yang; enhances the inner feminine, and acceptance for yin attributes; emotional balance, release, empathy, feminity
- morganite: release, simplification, love
- moss agate: growth, nurturing, new beginnings, feeling of space, optimism, opening
- obsidian: grounding, protecting, healing, physic cleansing, revealing, transforming
- snowflake obsidian: truth; purity; balance
- onyx: root, solar plexus and third eye chakras; protection; healing; grounding, calming, distancing, quieting
- opal: amplifies emotion, insight, and spontaneity; very potent and can cause difficulties with the wrong person; each colour has its own properties
- pearl: pure mind and heart; balances emotions; reduces stress; sensitivity, tolerance, alignment
- peridot: cleansing, freshening, invigorating
- pietersite: stirring, clearing, anchoring
- prehnite: softening, alleviating, reassuring
- preseli bluestone: clarifying, grounding, timeless
- purpurite: contentment, acceptance, focus, calm
- pyrite: activating, cleansing, sparking, clarifying
- quartz: healing, enhancing, amplification
- actinolite quartz (prase): support, integration, forces of nature
- blue quartz: gently cooling, nurturing, comforting
- citrine quartz: warming, comforting, uplifting
- clear quartz: brightening, organizing, amplifying
- iron quartz: gently energizing, restorative, condensing
- milky quartz: diffusing, soothing, relaxing
- rose quartz: love, compassion, self-esteem; balances yin and yang; restoring harmony after emotional wounding; platonic, romantic, familial and self love; love, emotion, release
- rutilated quartz: impelling, binding, restoring
- smoky quartz: removes negativity, grounding, transformation; potential, beginnings, stability
- tourmaline quartz: protecting, grounding, strengthening
- rhodocrosite: self-confidence, ease, empowerment
- rhodonite: resonance, passion, motivation, communication
- ruby: positive thinking, nourishing, steadying
- sapphire: protecting, understanding, power
- selenite: expansion, release, cooling
- serpentine: comforting, flowing, enlightening
- silver: easing, serenity, flow
- smithsonite: blending, combining, smoothing
- snowflake obsidian: balance, centering, support
- sodalite: intuition, focuses energy, guidance, meditation, contact, peace
- sphene: clarifying, aligning, exploring
- spinel: initiating, focusing, cleansing
- staurolite: focusing, quietening, combining
- sugilite: integration, sensitivity, spiritual confidence
- sulphur: cleansing, destoxifying, enlivening
- sunstone: joy, vitality, empowerment, warmth, self-worth, happiness
- tanzanite: enlivening, transmutating, expanding
- tektite: containing, amalgamating, transforming
- thulite: exploration, self-assurance, motivation
- tiger eye: protection, creativity, balance, harmony between people with differing viewpoints, vitality in endocrine system; protection, strength, clarity; practicality, sociability, realism
- topaz: assuredness, confidence, relaxation
- turquoise: highly spiritual yet grounding; uplifting to unconditional love; aligns chakras and opens heart; protection; tranquility; strengthening; self-forgiveness; self-acceptance; strengthens, protects, enhances
- ulexite: communication, clarity, visions
- unakite: balance, release, spiritual insight
- unakite: perspective, balance, self-worth
- vesuvianite: brightness, resolution, perspective
- zeolite: cooperation, variety, innovation
- zincite: awakening, revelation, surprise, innovation
- zircon: revealing, transforming, regulating_
oct 16 2016 ∞
jan 19 2017 +