- accessory ♡ chandelier earrings
- actor ♡ buster keaton
- actress ♡ greta garbo
- adjective ♡ amaranthine
- animal ♡ glasswing butterfly
- art movements ♡ surrealism ♡ magical realism
- authors ♡ angela carter ♡ isak dinesen
- book genre ♡ biography
- candy ♡ japanese kitkats
- city visited ♡ boston
- classical piece ♡ mystery! tango
- clothing ♡ cashmere cardigan
- coffee ♡ mocha
- colors ♡ peacock & jewel tones
- decade ♡ 1920s
- deity ♡ sipnget (night goddess)
- dessert ♡ baklava
- emoji ♡ 🦋
- fairytale ♡ fitcher’s bird
- film ♡
- 1920s ♡ pandora's box (1929)
- 1930s ♡ cleopatra (1934)
- 1940s ♡ the red shoes (1948)
- 1950s ♡ to be arranged
- 1960s ♡ last year at marienbad (1961)
- 1970s ♡ black moon (1975)
- 1980s ♡ the draughtsman's contract (1982)
- 1990s ♡ orlando (1992)
- 2000s ♡ blood tea & red string (2006)
- 2010s ♡ to be arranged
- 2020s ♡ to be arranged
- animated short ♡ la joie de vivre (1934)
- director ♡ guy maddin
- genre ♡ costume drama
- flower ♡ fuchsia
- font ♡ edwardian script itc
- fruit ♡ persimmon
- gemstone ♡ rainbow hematite
- graphic novel ♡ amphigorey series
- historical person ♡ cleopatra
- ice cream ♡ cookie & mint cream
- illustrator ♡ edward gorey
- instrument ♡ cello ♡ harpsichord
- kawaii mascot ♡ kogepan (burnt bread)
- letter ♡ ℒ
- music ♡
- 1960s ♡ the cake
- 1970s ♡ patti smith
- 1980s ♡ the cramps
- 1990s ♡ pj harvey
- 2000s ♡ queenadreena
- 2010s ♡ florence + the machine
- 2020s ♡ the last dinner party
- spanning decades ♡ sleater-kinney
- album ♡ the hot rock
- singer/songwriter ♡ katiejane garside
- myth ♡ apuleius's cupid & psyche
- mythical creature ♡ figbash ♡ the dawbis
- names ♡ mélisande ♡ octavian
- non-fiction book ♡ from the beast to the blonde
- novel ♡ the artificial silk girl
- object ♡ matryoshka
- painter ♡ hiëronymus bosch
- painting ♡ the garden of earthly delights
- pasta ♡ radiatore
- perfume ♡ eau parfumée au thé blanc
- photographer ♡ ellen von unwerth
- plant ♡ floating lilypad
- poem ♡ fever 103°
- poet ♡ sylvia plath
- problematic fave × eurocentric fairytales
- punctuation mark ♡ &mpersand
- sailor senshi ♡ mars
- saint ♡ hildegard of bingen
- school subject ♡ library science
- season ♡ autumn
- shoes ♡ high-heeled oxfords
- short story ♡ pages from a young girl's journal
- sports team ♡ los angeles kings
- suit of cards ♡ hearts
- tarot card ♡ the feather
- november ∙ delirium ∙ imbroglios
- tea ♡ peach oolong
- time of day ♡ afternoon
- tree ♡ weeping willow
- vegetable ♡ celery
- weather ♡ warm
- website ♡ archive.org
sep 4 2024 ∞
nov 24 2024 +