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  • Despite the fact that atoms are the building blocks of life, why does everything evolve, except for atoms themselves?
    • Also even though atoms don't have an octet, they are perfect b/c if they all had octets, they wouldn't react. Is this assuming that the imperfections in the universe make everything perfect?
  • Carl Sagan speeches
  • Sexual fantasies
  • If Earth is just a speck in our galaxy and if there is another life form out there, they must equally be a speck in the universe.
  • Are we stuck in a certain dimension?
  • Are there elements in the universe different from ours?
  • Slinky effect
  • Important people (ie Gandhi, Sagan, Einstein, etc.) who died and how I'll never get to know who they really were like (personality, quirks, etc).
  • Does the universe expand or is it vast enough that we can't even circle around it once?
  • The stars we see now are actually non-existant.
  • Collective consciousness
  • Travelling to different countries
  • Are ghosts real, and if so what are they? Is demonic possession real? Do demons really come out at 3 AM? And if so, why?
  • The microwave radiation of the Big Bang.
sep 12 2012 ∞
jul 20 2013 +