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  • People don't like to flush.
    • Sometimes I am left with even a splendid surprise.
  • Usually there is either:
    • No soap.
    • No toilet paper.
  • If there are toilet paper, then they're all on the floor.
  • If they do have the toilet paper protecter to put on your seat, they're all gone.
  • When I'm in a hurry I need paper towels but they force me to hand dry it.
  • When I do hand dry, there is always some lady who thinks they can share the dryer with me. Lady just wait 10 seconds.
  • It smells of putrid eggs.

In my school's bathroom:

  • Girls come to use the bathroom for the mirror instead of the bathroom. I need to use the bathroom and people are blocking my way.
  • When I do have to use the mirror, everyone hogs and tries to use it too.
  • There is always one chick who isn't even looking in the mirror, but is still standing there.
  • There is also another chick who just stares at herself in the mirror, but isn't doing anything.
jun 13 2010 ∞
jun 11 2013 +