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  • Today, after I watched my dog get run over by a car, I sat on the side of the road holding him and crying. And just before he died, he licked the tears off my face. MMT
  • Today I was approached by a homeless man who asked if I had any change. I only had two dimes, but I gave it to him anyway. As I watched him walk away, he put the dimes in an expired parking meter of a strangers car. MMT
  • Today, like every day for the last 4 years, my father picked a fresh flower from his garden and took it to my mother. This time I decided to go with him to see her. And as he placed the flower on her grave, he said, “I just wish I had picked her a fresh flower every day when she was alive.” MMT
  • Today, my wife kissed me goodbye, got in her car, crashed, and passed away. When the coroner called me at 9AM, I broke into tears and ran into the restroom at work to wash off my face. When I looked in the mirror, I noticed that my wife’s lipstick was still on my cheek. MMT
  • Today, as I was quietly packing my lunch for work, my husband danced into the kitchen singing a made-up song consisting of only my name over and over. When he saw me, he blushed and said, "Oh, you're still here!" Sneaking a peak into the daily routine of someone who truly loves me makes me smile and MMT.
  • Today, I passed two homeless men in a shouting match in my hometown of Baltimore. I thought it was just a crazy homeless person argument until I heard one say to the other, "Stop disrespecting my city! Pick-up your bottle and throw it in the trash!" He was berating the other man for littering! MMT
  • Today marks a year since my wife passed away. But I still find her hair on my sweaters and blankets sometimes. MMT
  • Today, after 10 years, my husband suddenly quit smoking cigarettes. When I asked him why he decided to quit, he said, "I want to grow old with you." MMT
  • Today, I walked past a coworker's cubicle who always updates her whiteboard with how many days are left until her family member returns from fighting the war overseas. Yesterday it was down to 8 days. Today it simply says, "next year." MMT
  • Today, a homeless man came into the coffee shop I work at and dumped his whole cup of change into our tip jar. He said, "You guys always give me your change when you leave for the night, so I wanted to return the favor for once." MMT
  • Today, after deciding to wear my comfy flannel shirt out to a bar while all my girlfriends got dressed up, I met a boy who told me "anything worn in confidence is beautiful." MMT
  • Today, I was talking to my grandmother about love. I asked her, "How do you know when you truly love someone?" She paused for a moment and replied, "When you lose them." MMT
  • Today, I stuck my hand into my coat pocket and found a 5 dollar bill wrapped around a note. The note read, "You have just been reverse-pick-pocketed. Enjoy the 5 dollars, and know that it was forcibly received by your pocket. Take that, society!" MMT
  • Today I am in London taking a semester of classes abroad. My twin brother is in the Marines serving his first tour of duty in Iraq. This evening we were both outside talking to each other on the phone. And just when I said, “You feel like a world away,” we both saw the same shooting star. MMT
  • Today, we were all so caught up in the morning rush that I forgot to kiss my dad goodbye before he left for work for the very last time. MMT
  • Today, I realized it wasn't the sex that proved to me she was special. It was the first time she slept with me without having sex that I knew she would be the one. MMT
  • Today, like every Sunday morning, my husband brought a bouquet of flowers to his mother. She has Alzheimer’s and doesn’t even realize he does this each week. But he does it anyway. MMT
  • Today, I left her a voicemail I know she’ll never receive. But I just had to hear her voice one last time. MMT
  • Today, in my San Francisco office, I received a FedEX package containing my Nikon camera that I lost in Key West last week. Accompanying the camera was a note that read, “Found your camera on the beach. Looked though the pics, recognized the hotel you were staying at, saw the pic you pointing at your room number, biked to the hotel but you had already checked out, got your name from the front desk (no phone # listed), Googled you, found you, biked to FedEX.” MMT
feb 8 2011 ∞
jun 11 2013 +