This list is to remind me why I'm doing all this. Every time I feel down or frustrated while cleaning out my life, I shall refer to this list. Here we go! (:
My Personal Reasons
- Be able to breathe again
- Freedom
- Be able to pick up and move whenever and to wherever at a moment's notice
- Less stress
- Not be weighed down by materialism
- Get over the consumerist notion of 'owning' things
- Be free to enjoy life rather than be pre-occupied with all my things
- Value people & experiences more than physical stuff
- Hone down on the essential & focus on what is really important
- Put my time into what really matters
- Use new-found free time to really enjoy the few things I do keep and do things i enjoy rather than feel stressed by all the stuff
- Play Video Games
- Practice Instruments
- Read new books & Re-read favorites
- Create meaningful things
- Be out and about
- Experience new things, go on adventures
- Spend more times with friends and family
- Figure out what I want to do
- Heal the World, Michael Jackson. (Make a little space, to make a better place.)
- Family tendency to hoard
- Start writing again