- Art Papers, or in other subject papers/convo, usually when I'm trying to carry across ideas:
- connotes
- contributes
- conveys
- demonstrates
- denotes
- displays
- embodies
- exemplifies
- exhibits
- further points out
- highlights
- illustrates
- maintains
- personifies
- provides
- renders
- represents
- shows
- something is/acts in accordance with something else
- concentric: "Of or denoting circles, arcs, or other shapes that share the same center, the larger often completely surrounding the smaller."
- C'est La Vie
- cheery chums
- For the Time Being
- hydrogenated
- irrelevant
- jot
- loverly (MyFairLady)
- Much ado
- pop
- schmuck
- scribble
may 2 2010 ∞
sep 18 2012 +