Taken from Pioneer Care Guide - Adventist Mission, Global Mission
- Bake sale
- Sell frozen pizzas
- Bake granola
- Garage cleaning
- Lawn mowing
- Water flowers
- Weeding
- Snow shoveling
- Trimming shrubs
- Plowing
- Babysitting
- Bike repair
- Pick up mail
- Deliver groceries
- Organizing
- Landscaping
- Cake making
- Car wash
- Walk-a-thon
- Bike-a-thon
- Skate-a-thon
- Sell flower bulbs
- eBay sales
- Garage sale
- Sell bouquets
- Sell fruit/vegetables
- Craft sale
- Sell birdhouses
- Ironing
- Laundry
- Mending
- Buy snacks wholesale; resell for profit
- Set aside single dollar bills each week
- Pet care (dog training, walking, and grooming)
- Rake leaves
- Wash windows
- Trash removal
- PowerPoint preparation
- Web maintenance/design
- Household chores (wash dishes, vacuum, dusting)
'Some of the most powerful and effective volunteers and supporters of frontline mission work are young people. Why do youth do it? Why do they care? Perhaps they want to:
- Feel a sense of satisfaction
- Set a good example
- Unite with friends and family for a good cause
- Fulfill a responsibility
- Give others an opportunity to know Jesus
- Learn a new skill
- Serve God in a practical way
- Connect with others
- Use their energy and compassion to do something worthwhile'