Found this list in my room... I wonder who came up with it...?
Safe People...
- Admit their weakness instead of thinking they "have it all together". (James 5:16)
- Are spiritual instead of being religious.
- Are open to feedback and are not defensive. (Matt. 18:15)
- Are humble instead of being self righteous. (Luke 18: 10-14)
- Apologize and change their behavior. (Luke 3: 7-9)
- Work on their problems instead of avoiding them.
- Earn trust, instead of demanding it (JN. 10:37)
- Admit their faults and do not believe they are perfect (LK 7:47)
- Take responsibility instead of blaming others (Gent 3:12, 13)
- Tell the truth instead of lying.
- Grow instead of staying stagnant (Prov. 17:10)
oct 26 2010 ∞
oct 26 2010 +