Students' ideas for dealing with stress.
- Laugh out loud - just start giggling and work your way up to a roar
- Tell a joke to a friend and remember the punch line
- Get or give a massage
- Beat your pillow to simthereens
- Work on a puzzle
- Memorize a silly poem
- Massage your face
- Schedule four 5-minute breaks a day, then take them
- If you have a yard, work in it
- Remember: nearly all crises aren't
- Talk with people you care about
- Write down your frustrations
- Take a luxurious bath
- Listen to a favorite CD
- Call an old friend
- Read from a book of inspirational quotations
- Climb a tree
- Write down your schedule for the day
- Pray or meditate
- Draw something
- Grow herbs
- Go for a walk or hike
- Have a bubble-gum-blowing contest
- Exercise regularly
- If you're right-handed, do things left-handed
- If you're left-handed, do things right-handed
- If you can use either hand, use your toes
- If you feel like crying, cry
- Sing (not too loud)
- Oh, go ahead - sing loud
- Keep a journal
- Spend some time alone each day
- Make a to-do list
- Put "Make a to-do list" as the first thing on the list, then cross it off!
- Light some candles and turn off the lights
- Play with your dog or cat
- Borrow someone else's dog or cat to play with
- Eat breakfast
- Soak your feet in warm water, then give yourself a pedicure
- Go dancing
- Make a cake and lick the beaters
- Grab a camera and some film and start snapping
- Be early to your appointments
- Have a root beer float
- Read the newspaper all the way through
- Take 5 slow, deep breaths
- Try something new
- Surf the net
- Sit in a church or temple or other spiritual place
- Go to bed at a regular time and get enough sleep
- Date one person at a time
- Organize your closet
- Play the kazoo - or any instrument
- Call your mother or father just to talk
- Do yoga
- Skip to your next appointment (instead of skipping your next appointment)
- Rent a funny movie
- Stand on your head - on a pillow
- Read a children's book
- Talk in pig-Latin
- Rinse your face with cold water
- Shop, without buying
- Write a long letter
- Take a different route home
- Get some clay and create a masterpiece
- Kick a ball hard
- Watch cartoons, especially Scooby Doo
- Blow bubbles
- Keep your checkbook balanced
- Stand still for 2 minutes
- Go to the library
- Swim
- Hold your breath
- Continue holding your breath
- OK, let it out
- Do some finger painting, and get really messy
- Play tag
- Take a bubble bath
- Stretch in the morning and throughout the day
- Go fly a kite
- Look in the mirror and tell yourself 3 things you like about yourself
- Start collecting something
- Take a leisurely bike ride
- Hit a punching bag
- Make a gift for a friend
- Be honest and respectful with yourself and others
- Do cartwheels
- Go to a sporting event
- Dye your hair (use temporary dye if you're not sure about a permanent change)
- Express your appreciation to someone
- Postpone getting a tattoo or body piercing
- Allow yourself some free time
- Buy a new pen
- Read old e-mail or letters from friends
- Play cards
- Use a calendar planner
- Cut wood or do some other strenuous activity
- Ask for help when you need to
- Get a stress ball and squeeze it!
- Imagine sitting by a stream and each problem you have is a leaf floating by
- Write your own list of ways to bust stress
aug 7 2012 ∞
aug 7 2012 +