anti-blackness, black feminism, afro-pessimism
- daniel c. barber, nonrelation and metarelation
- jerome clarke, politics after slavery? on afropessimism’s practical philosophy
- patrice d. douglass & frank b. wilderson iii, the violence of presence: metaphysics in a blackened world
- patrice d. douglass, whither the queer history of slavery?
- saidiya hartman, the belly of the world: a note on black women’s labors
- zakiyyah i. jackson, losing manhood: animality and plasticity in the (neo)slave narrative
- zakiyyah i. jackson, “theorizing in a void”: sublimity, matter, and physics in black feminist poetics
- leah a. kaplan, what’s in a mark? or, black time and the hieroglyphics of the flesh
- axelle karera, blackness and the pitfalls of anthropocene ethics
- tyrone s. palmer, otherwise than blackness: feeling, world, sublimation
- jared sexton, people-of-color-blindness: notes on the afterlife of slavery
- jared sexton, afro-pessimism: the unclear word
- jared sexton, affirmation in the dark: racial slavery and philosophical pessimism
- sara-maria sorentino & tapji garba, slavery is a metaphor: a critical commentary on eve tuck and k. wayne yang’s “decolonization is not a metaphor”
- sara-maria sorentino, slave/animal/labor: marxist incapacity and the direction analogy flows
- sara-maria sorentino, abolish the oikos: notes on incapacity from antiquity to marxist feminism, black feminism, and afro-pessimism
- selamawit d. terrefe, the pornotrope of decolonial feminism
- calvin warren, the catastrophe: black feminist poethics, (anti)form, and mathematical nihilism
- calvin warren, barred objects: police brutality, black fetishes, and perverse demonstrations
- frank b. wilderson iii, ‘we’re trying to destroy the world’ – anti-blackness and police violence after ferguson
queer negativity, anti-sociality, anti-relationality
- leo bersani, is the rectum a grave?
- lauren berlant & michael warner, sex in public (not queer negative, but important reading nonetheless)
- lee edelman, the future is kid stuff: queer theory, disidentification, and the death drive
- bobby benedicto, agents and objects of death: gay murder, boyfriend twins, and queer of color negativity
- bobby benedicto, queer beyond repair: psychoanalysis and the case for negativity in queer of color critique
sex-negative feminism
(if you want to read an unlinked text you are free to contact me through any of my socials so i can send it directly to you)