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——— type 4: needs to learn not to take people who care about them for granted; to value the good small things in their lives; to let go of people who don't care about them; and to give up on expecting those people will ever do.

——— type 4: you deserve better.

——— type 4: "avoid putting off things until you are 'in the right mood'. Commit yourself to productive, meaningful work that will contribute to your good and that of others, no matter how small the contribution may be. Working consistently in the real world will create a context in which you can discover yourself and your talents. (Actually, you are happiest when you are working—that is, activating your potentials and realizing yourself. You will not "find yourself" in a vacuum or while waiting for inspiration to strike, so connect—and stay connected—with the real world."

——— type 4: "a wholesome self-discipline takes many forms, from sleeping regular hours to working regularly to exercising regularly, and has a cumulative, strengthening effect. Since it comes from yourself, a healthy self-discipline is not contrary to your freedom or individuality. On the other hand, sensuality, excessive sexual experiences, alcohol, drugs, sleep, or fantasizing have a debilitating effect on you, as you already know. Therefore, practice healthy self-discipline and stay with it."

  • watching stranger things with jessica
  • eating with my family
  • listening to kpop
  • my dance group, bandana
  • dancing with my soul
  • writing with my heart
  • studying
  • speaking other languages
  • reading books
  • getting my nails done
mar 9 2021 ∞
jun 14 2021 +