Cookies or cake? Cake

Cat or dog? I've sadly never had a cat, so I can't tell_

Computer games or video games? Computer games

Pop music or Rock music? Pop

Stuff animals or dolls? Stuff animals

Pancakes or waffles? I don't remember how waffles taste...

Hot chocolate or coffee?

Morning or evening? Morning

Day or night? Day (as early as possible)

Text message or call? Call

Library or museums? Library

French or Spanish?

Summer or winter? Winter

Theater or cinema? Haven't been to the theater enough

Love or money?

Book or movie? Book

Tea or coffee? Tea

Chocolate or vanilla?

Coca-Cola or Pepsi? I don't drink soda

Rain or snow? I love rhe rain; never seen snow.

Car or motorcycle? Car!

Comedy or horror? Comedy!!!

Hamburgers or hot dogs? Veggie hot dogs

Paper or plastic? Paper!!! Save the turtles

Boat or plane? I like planes; never traveled on a boat.

Painting or drawing? Neither or painting...

Reading or writing? I love writing and getting lost when I'm reading

Singing or dancing? Dancing

T-Shirts or sweaters?

Flowers or trees?

jan 31 2021 ∞
apr 19 2021 +