- aggression
- alcohol
- american cheese
- artificial grape flavoring
- being alone in public
- being bossed around
- being ignored
- being left on read
- being rushed
- being shushed
- big animatronics
- body-shaming
- bologna
- bullies
- cigarettes
- conservatives
- country music
- douchi
- drinking culture
- drugs
- fan wars
- gatekeeping
- germs
- guns
- homophobia
- hotdogs / corndogs
- hot weather
- humidity
- hurting others
- lack of empathy / compassion
- lightning
- loneliness
- math
- mayonnaise
- mean / rude people
- misogyny
- mistreatment of animals
- mistreatment of children
- olives
- people thinking gentleness = weakness
- prejudice
- racism
- republicans
- road rage
- sour candy
- superiority complexes
- sweating
- the "new car" smell
- the sound of a small group of people clapping (like on family feud)
- toxic masculinity
- transphobia
- violence
- war
- washing dishes
- wasps / hornets / yellow jackets
- westerns
- when people treat cultures like aesthetics
- writer’s block
- yelling
sep 9 2022 ∞
jan 5 2025 +