Pretty much all you need to do for this is write 5 things, these can be peoples names, places, emotions, a film title, song title, band, anything that sums up your day, do it each day on your listography for a year, copy and paste this at the top of the list so people know what this list is all about. My Start Date: 18/05/2017 [13,14,15, 16/17]
- 29Oct mortissima após noite mal dormida (assisti mil e quinhentos videos da joutjout e ELA É DEMAIS!) e mandei 50 audios pro felipe falando bobagens; hello Amsterdam! Tu é linda!; museu da Anne Frank. Difícil.;
- 28Oct cervejaria Carlsberg com brinde no final; voo pra Warsaw; binge eating; dormir no aeroporto
- tenho escrito um journal pra essa viagem
- 04Oct-06Oct curtindo essa cidade maravilhosa; andando por demais da conta; fritando porque estou gorda; CABELITCHO NOVO!!; VATICANO MEU DEUS DO CÉU EU TÔ DE CARA COM TODO ESSA JOÇA
- 03Oct italiano é tão lindo!; estou apaixonada por Roma; a cada esquina um monumento incrível!; andando o dia todo; saudade do meu companheiro de cervejas
- 02Oct having beer and cigs at seven in the morning; sleeping together; "so i see you later, huh?" my heart can't take it; start crying in the middle of the street; i miss him so much
- 01Oct cerveja, cigarros e falar besteira; ahh esses meninos de Creta são uma graça (mesmo sendo idiotas); "minha ausência causou-lhe uma série de danos"; 9 horas no barco
- 29Sep-30Sep creta chuvosa; chorando muito; queria poder ter mais tempo com ele; confusa com meus sentimentos; bebendo e fumando e rindo desses meninos ("ian, ryan, brian"/"your not even 19" HAHAHA/yacob hates me/ the girl from gana)
- 28Sep hello raining Crete; walking around to see things; it's a different island; vegan typical food!; the hostel is like a big family
- 27Sep playing around with me; "i don't like goodbyes" neither do i babe; going to crete; rome is fucking expensive!; i wish i had more days here...
- 26Sep i need to leave, srsly; doing nothing all day; his food was good (he reminds me of someone...); i don't know what i'm feeling; smoking a cigarette, drinking beer and listening moacir santos with him by my side...
- 25Sep i hate coming back; i wish we had one more day; the ferry takes too long; i like making him horny; good night (he was looking good), but i said something stupid and it isn't true
- 24Sep hiking but not really; eating this amazing simple food in filoti; laying down in the sun doing topless with him looking at the sea talking about his life (i wish i could know what he was thinking); best dinner! and i ate sardines!; good night as usual
- 23Sep the best morning ever; discovering the island; eating out in the amazing place in apiranthos; those villages are beautiful; i like him and i like to be with him (and yeah he's twice of my age)
- 22Sep Seeing him again; the sex was so good; eating out with him it's much better; drinking beer and smoking cigarettes;
- 14Sep-22Sep estive em Mynokos (it sucks); Naxos é minha ilha favorita até agora/me senti em casa/rotina ir a praia, visitar os cantinhos da cidade, comer batata frita, dormir tomando sol/webcam com ele me deu tanta saudade; Santorini foi maravilhoso/vi as meninas que conheci em Atenas/hiking to Oia/comendo muito falafel/me divertindo com mulheres/ansiosa pra ver W./não estive falando com ele/me senti bem comigo mesma/o dia com as meninas na praia de areia preta foi fantástico, me diverti/australianos são difíceis...; indo pra Naxos de novo!!!!
- 13Sep de volta a Atenas; me preparando pra esses três loucos dias
- 1Sep-12Sep lugar sem tempo; colhendo figos e curtindo o mar; LUCY E BERNIE AMORES; em paz com a vida; os hippies mais daoras do mundo
- 31Aug o lugar mais doido do mundo; a vista do Monte Lycabetto; o templo de Zeus inacreditável!; feliz aqui; o cara escroto afe
- 30Aug eu nem acredito que estou aqui; visitando tudo; Roman Agora!!! tudo é divino maravilhoso; escrevendo enquanto tomo uma cerveja no bairro de Acrópolis;
- 29Aug hora de pegar o voo; o melhor voo; eu não acredito; não paro de sorrir; MEU DEUS OLHA ESSAS CONSTRUÇÕES OS CARAS SÃO MUITO BRUTOS (chorando com a vista)
- 28Aug último dia1!!!!; stressed; everything is going wrong BUT IT'S FINE NOW; saying goodbye to gill and andre <3 "it's like death and life"; it was a good day at the end
- 27Aug freaking out!; we had a good night until...; i can't believe he did that; sem reação; men are always disappointing
- 26Aug riding from tower bridge to big ben; first time on tower bridge; things are working; nervous; miss him
- 25Aug last day of school; I have no one to say goodbye; valeria gave me a present; bar 48 enjoying tim's company, the band, the food; i changed.
- 24Aug I'm happy with myself, with the things I've achieved; camden market;
- 23Aug Tate Modern with P.; "I don't think you understand how people see you" / "Michael ask about you and said that you are clever"; game of thrones!; latin girls; that was so good!!!
- 22Aug class again; so happy to leave; i'm fat, get over it; nervous; GAME OF THRONES FUUUUUCK
- 21Aug i don't understand how he feels and he doesn't talk to me; missing class; looking for clothes and they felt good; the crazy guy
- 20Aug morning sex are the best; i think he's jealous; he's very difficult sometimes; i hope they answer me!; have faith
- 19Aug so good to see Tim; a nice guy finally!; kisses all over; that was very good!; enjoying my time
- 18Aug organizing my trip; it's going to happen; he's so annoying sometimes; bad day
- 17Aug home alone again;
- 9Aug-16Aug curtindo a França, vinhos, água de rio, pouco sol às vezes chuva, aprender francês, jogar cartas, ensinar português, flertar, sentir muitos olhares, me encantar com os vilarejos, acampar...
- 8Aug ice cream; going out a bit
- 7Aug i'm going to France!!!; doing nothing can't complain or feel bad about it; i want ice cream so badly; this film mess with your mind deeply; nightmares
- 6Aug talking to Ba made my day better ( sororidade é importante ); listening to baden powell and smoking a cigarette; tesão; qria começar do zero; feeling bad
- 5Aug it's never too late, but you should start today; would I treat my daughter the same way I treat myself?; the best song ever and the best animation; i want to be in peace; be close to who I really am
- 4Aug trying to stay cool; he always asks to see me; but always says goodbye too early; feeling fat; hating myself
- 3Aug movies; bed all day; chocolate!; fatfatfat; house for myself
- 2Aug it's time to make peace with yourself; nobody has a perfect body; anxious; tossing and turning; want to cut myself
- 1Aug holiday only next week aff; eating quite a lot; beleléu isn't real; my fringe looks good; you're going to be alright
- 31Jul cinema again; binge eating; I HATE THAT STUPID SCHOOL WITH STUPID PEOPLE (srsly); being alright with them; cutting my fringe
- 30Jul one more month, London!; great time at the beach; Jane is such a incredible woman; i like hanging around; talking with Andre about so many things; miss my boy (see him look at me with so much love is amazing)
- 29Jul talking about the future always makes me anxious; perhaps I'd choose him; Brighton again!; having pastry and hanging around; wine and vegan pizza
- 28Jul i know why i am like this; morgan's documentary was fantastic; meeting byron was great!; happy with all this; it's time to experience more!
- 27Jul such a boring class; cinema again; my head is spinning so much; i feel tired; the book is going crazy
- 26Jul crying in cinema; the comfort of french films; i want him here!
- 25Jul sleep in the airport is madness; time to go 'home'; it's a long way; eating vegan with andre and gill; sleepin' all day and night
- 24Jul sad to leave; hello Porto! cidade maravilhosa!; passeando pelas ruas de pedra e vendo as casas de azulejos; o mar!; quero morar aqui, me senti em casa por um pequeno momento
- 23Jul show da Céu é uma merda ein; Brasil é incrível!; eu não quero ir; a leveza de uma cidade interiorana...
- 22Jul Richard Bona foi demais!; eu quero mais é dançar samba e esquecer o Hancock; chorar ouvindo Hamilton de Holanda cantar Dorival Caymmi; lembranças de Parati; MINHA JANGADA VAI SAIR PRO MAR / NÃO SOU EU QUEM ME NAVEGA / CAPOEIRA ME MANDOU...
- 21Jul É HOJE!; Jards foi demais! o cara é foda; cansada ft. morta; feliz com essa cidade; olá José
- 20Jul see you later Angelica; the best doc i have ever seen; i adore when he calls me darling, i feel dear; TOMORROW!; esse sentimento que cresce dentro de mim me faz temer o futuro e confiar em mim mesma ao mesmo tempo
- 19Jul refletindo; "veja a ansiedade como algo além de um traço de personalidade, como algo que deva ser tratado com objetividade, como algo que tenha uma causa, portanto não é eterna." !!!; paladar é adaptável; ruminando ideias;
- 18Jul um dia repleto de nada; a new vegan restaurant; reinventar-se; conversar e chorar com ele; "dê um novo sentido ao que você sente"
- 17Jul melhor lanchinho da vida;
- 16Jul good monday;
- 15Jul pancakes for breakfast; hopeless; i bought my boots, so comfortable; nanabar's again; eating too much
- 14Jul art is revolutionary; THEY LET ME EAT FOR FREE AND PAY ANOTHER DAY, ISN'T AMAZING???; he always made me laugh; we are different now and i like this new us; the word is goind mad
- 13Jul hilario didn't find hilarious; laughing so hard; good cooking day; happy with my new home; watching carandiru makes me sad
- 12Jul eating badly; cycling to the allotment with gill; chilly; good night
- 11Jul menininho's picture; after 4 months, i'm cool; sugar makes me sick; sad because of him; rainy day at home
- 10Jul real bread; hot days; cooking and drinking beer listening to moacir santos; desire; dreaming with him
- 9Jul okja; "não é sinal de saúde estar acostumado a uma sociedade profundamente doente"; let me be radical; they understand me better; i have my reasons
- 8Jul oxford; day with mykola; i like this place; can't resist at candys; i'm angry at him
- 7Jul i can't stand the school; two more months in london WOW; feeling gloomy; solving things; he isn't talking to me
- 6Jul going back to school feels awful; gabriele and felipe are still stupid and childish; school is full of italians; studying at the canvas cafe; living here feels nice
- 5Jul i've never been so happy to see london; tired and sleepy; i have a new home; i feel bad about some choices i've made; good sleep
- 4Jul my boy isn't alright i feel so upset and useless; i want to be alone; felipe is so annoying; the trip to london was terrible; gosto aborrecido de saudade
- 3Jul missed my bus; angry but i rolled a perfect cigarette; walking around and talking with strangers feeling good; stephanie got crazy on me stupid; i have a guide
- 2Jul festival wasn't so cool idk; steph isn't so cool; euge is the only one that talk with us; stephanie got drunk and left felipe (why on earth was he looking for euge?); rolling and smoking cigarettes
- 1Jul having a drink in a cool bar with steph and her friends; i get a few things of french; everybody is drunk but me; felipe is so annoying and so crazy about money; i'm being patient
- 30Jun BRUSSELS IS AMAZING; eugène is a cute; having a very good drink with felipe and euge; things are alright; the city is exciting
- 29Jun Brussels tomorrow!; start moving; gill and andre are so cool; having a drink with steph and mariana; it feels good; missing him
- 28Jun steph's birthday; secondary school; feeling good; cool night with her cousin's friends; got my rucksack!
- 27Jun i like chloe's class; people like me hahaha; sleeping too early; finding money everywhere
- 26Jun miss class; "i've never met anyone like you"; lunch with wala and angelica (gonna miss her); feeling bad about steph and wala leaving
- 25Jun walking around camden; i think i miss home; listening to all my favourite artists was so good for my soul; she has quarteto novo! ("lindo lindo"); Eumir é um corete
- 24Jun sleeping all day; the end of breaking bad is so !!!!!; speechless; i want to be with him; binge
- 23Jun I'm so smart hahah; goodbye Garreth; eating pizza with Maya, it was so good and she's different; party with Steph; cool play, not so good music, i'm a cool person
- 22Jun headache; Roald Dahl's short stories are very good; talking to gabs makes me happy; eating outside is good; planning my trips SO EXCITED
- 18Jun cinema and ice cream; solidão; dificil reclamar em ingles; comilona; não aguento mais essa paranoia
- 17Jun lost my trip do Cambridge (so glad I didn't pay for it); walking around London; very hot day; having raw food in covent garden with Poline; banho gelado
- 16Jun the test wasn't so good, but it's okay; wala is a cool woman; sair com minha madrinha e meu padrinho aqui!; nojo desses caras; conversas na madrugada com ele
- 15Jun sushi pro almoço me deixa feliz; antonio carlos e jocafi na cabeça; de short e feliz curtindo o sol de londres; pedalandoooo; notícia da Joyce me deixou chateada
- 14Jun i can't believe they gave a class about etiquette; and the boys can't shut up; he makes me feel good about myself; IT'S OKAY TO NOT BE HAPPY HERE; udon set is godness
- 13Jun i tried to run, at least; i'm doing just fine; dick pictures
- 12Jun i have exactly 11 weeks; starting again; cinema alone; the guy looking at me in the street (i should have said something); cooking for myself
- 11Jun sleeping and eating; skipping pole; start again every day; a festa da menina morta é tenso; mah love
- 10Jun greenwich market and camden lock; eating all day long; headache; buying vinyls for him; doing via webcam (we're wow)
- 9Jun nudes no almoço; eating just too much today; 48 alone was good; i will not explain myself; handling the stupid man ("don't hug me")
- 8Jun the italian guy is really stupid i can't take it; the cafe in liverpool is so cosy; it was a good day; walking and cycling; ê Minas Gerais...
- 7Jun am i exploring london the way i should?; i'm getting better at stretching; don't know what to do; saudade é uma coisa estranha que toda conta da gente; eating too much at night
- 6Jun breathe; good day; itadaki zen is the best place ever; cold; the look he gave me when i entered the cafe
- 5Jun late to school; grammar class is getting worse; "não estou dando conta"; lunch at vegan gourmet restaurant; dreams
- 4Jun pole dance is so cool!; feeling just fine today; cooking and listening to novos baianos; it'll all be just fine; talking with friends makes everything better
- 3Jun Portobello Market with doyeon and esme; buying socks; saudade never goes away; binge; feeling good bc we have each other
- 2Jun london is hot; i think my teacher really likes me; i miss my country; abril despedaçado; the blueberry cake was delicious
- 1Jun reading a new book (one of my teacher's favourite); eating pasta a lot; fat; ugh
- 30May we weren't kidding when we said we love each other; drinking with friends and talking about sex; i love theses guys, today was funny; my mind is in peace; eating too much because i'm nervous
- 29May i've finished dom casmurro; NO WAY SHE CHEATED HIM; want to read again; crying again; miss him so badly
- 28May my brother's bday; we are not talking; breaking bad all day; addicted to pasta is that right? hahaha
- 27May i miss him; i'm afraid of losing him; i can't believe i could be that stupid; terrible hangover; at the park alove reading
- 26May in the park with steph again; steph' relativies are so cool and they liked me and invite me to live with them UOU; party at the scape; very drunk; puke on myself;
- 25May lunch pizza in regents park; i love the sun; doing everything i needed to do;
- 24May i run after almost one month; drinking beer at the regent's park in the sunny afternoon with steph and felipe; london is so beautiful when it's sunny; playing games and being mean about people in our class; i was happy
- 23May trying to get better; bad about what i said to him; crying to much; hopeless; suicide thoughts
- 22May beaituful day; sleeping at regent's park; i was stupid to him; crying; anxious
- 21May breaking bad wow; pole dance is so hard; i can't stop eating farofa hahaha;
- 20May now i want to keep everything about him; the best junk food in london (this is taking care of myself); reading dom casmurro in english is better than portuguese ouch; feeling bad at night
- 19May a lot of sushi for lunch; raw cake was good; hanging out in brixton; cool jazz jam and african food; he said he loves me (with all the words)
- 18May i understand what sugar does to me; bright morning; no test for me; exercising a bit; his messages made my day better