• lack of people-centred urban planning
  • obligation to know how to drive a car
  • lack of interesting work that makes us feel valued
  • obligation to have the skills the market demands regardless of personal predisposition
  • lack of exciting, local, accessible cultural activity
  • lack of agency over our lives due to need to work for money
  • lack of a right to a inner life due to overwork and constrictive family situations, esp. no shared responsibility for kids and the elderly
  • work environment geared towards low-quality, constant interaction and exponentially more oppressive to introverts
  • lack of true citizenship and democratic participation due to no transparency from governments and companies, education focused on market inclusion rather than social inclusion, and systems (political, legal, economic, technological) made too complex for anyone to understand or make a meaningful impact on as an individual
  • lack of beauty due to the commodification of beauty. restricted access to beautiful living environments, lack of a concern with beauty in public spaces
  • lack of close relationships due to life being geared around work and work being geared around profit, which ultimately requires maintaining the status quo and manufacturing illusions of progress rather than actual, organic change that would be the result of humans grappling with concrete problems (which is inherently bonding as it requires collaboration and honesty), rather than many-times-removed, fuzzily-worded problems no one understands or cares about
mar 30 2020 ∞
jan 13 2021 +