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Clumsy heart and fickle mind. Contradicts self often. Story writing in head, singing under breath. Enjoys being alone, yet gets lonely. Constant state of self improvement. Dreamer, Wanderer, Believer.

a ~ notes (substack + essays / favourites)
s. podcasts (two thousand and twenty-five)
cariatide books (2025)
why fall in love when you can fall on the floor and cry over a tv show. (2025)
laoise books (favourite novels)

(I did not create this list and take no credit for it whatsoever, it was taken from here. I simply wish to view it always as I hope to live by these rules)

  • live magically
  • love absolutely
  • give completely
  • cherish dreams
  • cry if you must, but smile more
  • create happiness for yourself and others
  • let go of hurt and have forgiveness
  • remember eternity
  • only connect
  • sing a song in your heart
  • stop and smell the flowers
  • pay attention and be astonished - show reverence for the sacred everything
  • be more, appear less
  • follow your bliss
  • live life as one awfully grand adventure - love it and it will love you back
nov 24 2011 ∞
nov 24 2011 +