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Clumsy heart and fickle mind. Contradicts self often. Story writing in head, singing under breath. Enjoys being alone, yet gets lonely. Constant state of self improvement. Dreamer, Wanderer, Believer.

a ~ notes (substack + essays / favourites)
s. podcasts (two thousand and twenty-five)
cariatide books (2025)
why fall in love when you can fall on the floor and cry over a tv show. (2025)
laoise books (favourite novels)
  • build a blanket fort, curl up inside with my treasured teddies and read a book, or simply dream.
  • settle down with freshly popped popcorn and watch my favourite movies, tick them off my 'to watch' list as I go.
  • draw maps of my make believe world
  • join my freckles to form constellations
  • paint my nails and toenails the colour of fairy floss or peaches. Possibly even pastel blue and pale green.
  • make yourself many cups of tea, of all different flavours, critique them.
  • cook up a batch of chocolate chip cookies.
  • make yourself some macaroons, the colours of rose petals
  • cherish your own company
  • play soft piano pieces, listen and dance softly about your room, your feet only softly kissing the ground to keep your dancing secretive
  • put on your rain coat and rain boots and go for a walk, jumping in puddles and only come home when you are covered in mud.
    • when you arrive home, take off your clothes and wrap yourself in a blanket, sit in front of the fireplace and stare into the fire as the flames lick the wood. Allow yourself to warm up and dry off.
  • pack yourself a picnic basket and due to the rain, take it into your blanket fort to enjoy.
  • invite friends over to tell stories, both scary and magial (remember: teddy bears listen too if friends aren't permitted)
feb 16 2012 ∞
feb 16 2012 +