┊ notes:
- there are 14 items each for SPI-5 factor, making a total of 70 items.
- 48 of these items are additive, denoted with ( + )
- the remaining 22 are subtractive, denoted with ( - )
- all items also have an associated SPI-27 factor, denoted in italics
┊ 1. openness
- am able to come up with new and different ideas. ( + ) creativity
- am an original thinker. ( + ) creativity
- am full of ideas. ( + ) creativity
- am quick to understand things. ( + ) intellect
- can handle a lot of information. ( + ) intellect
- enjoy being thought of as a normal mainstream person. ( - ) conformity
- have a vivid imagination. ( + ) creativity
- like to get lost in thought. ( + ) introspection
- love to reflect on things. ( + ) introspection
- love to think up new ways of doing things. ( + ) creativity
- rebel against authority. ( + ) authoritarianism
- spend time reflecting on things. ( + ) introspection
- think quickly. ( + ) intellect
- try to understand myself. ( + ) introspection
┊ 2. conscientiousness
- believe laws should be strictly enforced. ( + ) authoritarianism
- continue until everything is perfect. ( + ) perfectionism
- find it difficult to get down to work. ( - ) industry
- keep things tidy. ( + ) order
- leave a mess in my room. ( - ) order
- like order. ( + ) order
- need a push to get started. ( - ) industry
- neglect my duties. ( - ) industry
- often forget to put things back in their proper place. ( - ) order
- set high standards for myself and others. ( + ) perfectionism
- start tasks right away. ( + ) industry
- try to follow the rules. ( + ) authoritarianism
- want every detail taken care of. ( + ) perfectionism
- work hard. ( + ) industry
┊ 3. extraversion
- am skilled in handling social situations. ( + ) charisma
- avoid company. ( - ) sociability
- dislike being the center of attention. ( - ) attention seeking
- don't like crowded events. ( - ) sociability
- express myself easily. ( + ) emotional expressiveness
- find it difficult to approach others. ( - ) charisma
- hate being the center of attention. ( - ) attention seeking
- laugh a lot. ( + ) humor
- laugh aloud. ( + ) humor
- like going out a lot. ( + ) sociability
- like to attract attention. ( + ) attention seeking
- make myself the center of attention. ( + ) attention seeking
- usually like to spend my free time with people. ( + ) sociability
- want to be left alone. ( - ) sociability
┊ 4. agreeableness
- am concerned about others. ( + ) compassion
- am hard to satisfy. ( - ) perfectionism
- am sensitive to the needs of others. ( + ) compassion
- believe that others have good intentions. ( + ) trust
- believe that people are basically moral. ( + ) trust
- cheat to get ahead. ( - ) honesty
- feel sympathy for those who are worse off than myself. ( + ) compassion
- feel that most people can't be trusted. ( - ) trust
- sympathize with others feelings. ( + ) compassion
- tell a lot of lies. ( - ) honesty
- think of others first. ( + ) compassion
- trust people to mainly tell the truth. ( + ) trust
- trust what people say. ( + ) trust
- use others for my own ends. ( - ) honesty
┊ 5. neuroticism
- am a worrier. ( + ) anxiety
- am not easily annoyed. ( - ) irritability
- dislike myself. ( + ) wellbeing
- experience my emotions intensely. ( + ) emotional stability
- experience very few emotional highs and lows. ( - ) emotional stability
- fear for the worst. ( + ) anxiety
- feel a sense of worthlessness or hopelessness. ( + ) wellbeing
- get overwhelmed by emotions. ( + ) emotional stability
- panic easily. ( + ) anxiety
- rarely get irritated. ( - ) irritability
- seldom get mad. ( - ) irritability
- think that my moods don't change more than most people's do. ( - ) emotional stability
- worry about things. ( + ) anxiety
- would call myself a nervous person. ( + ) anxiety
jan 21 2020 ∞
jan 21 2020 +