crossback straddle, identify the silk that's closer to yr back, undo the lock on that foot, pass the tail across yr torso to the other side, go upright & go in the door bw the silks

single foot lock, passe other leg, hold other silk on the outside of the locked leg w hands high, turn toward leg that's in passe to get the loose silk pinned on yr lower leg, pull it upward & over yr head & shoulders, go thru the door

rebecca split w dancer locks but instead of crocheting the leg, put it thru the door, keep turning yr torso around til yr other knee hooks on the silk, undo the wrap, put the leg thru the door

pseudo belay from sling or knotted silk

backpack, invert, crochet, bend one knee & sickle the other foot on the pole. sit up & grab above yr bent knee, twisting yrself up so yr sitting in the fabric w the sickled leg in attitude or arabesque behind u.

bend the arabesque knee n turn the sole of that foot toward the ground til yr leg is folded into yr chest n yr kinda crouched or perched up there. put yr other leg thru the door between the poles so it is outside of them.

take the silk that now has more slack in it n move it around yr body like so: from the front, pass it toward yr perched leg n let it go around the farther side of that pole. yeet it so it circles around behind u & u catch it the same side armpit it started on. stand up n yr in the pseudo belay.

to come out, take your shoulders out, sink back down to the perch, & yeet the fabric back around in a full circle til it's back where it started. keep sinking down, extend yr perched leg, & let yr lower back ease into the bottom of the fabric.

switch the leg that's pushing on the silk & do a side balance. turn up toward the poles & replace yr leg w yr other arm. push the silk out & away from u & cross yr legs

may 11 2024 ∞
jul 30 2024 +