• the time i wrote a workshop poem coming out as aromantic, then fell in romantic love 3 weeks later
  • queer femme falling in love with straight female friend. need i say more?
  • the time i told my counselor about my feelings for c., then found out from c. that we had the same counselor, followed immediately by the realization that said counselor must be in a weird position knowing that one of his clients is secretly in love with another of his clients
  • the time i went to a yoga class w/ c., our mats were next to each other, i'd just come out of plow position which always makes me queef, and this time was no exception
  • the time i thought i was finally starting to get closure with bullet point #2, only to find out that c. is actually "heteroflexible" and has been attracted to women before, "more rarely but more intensely" than she is attracted to men, putting me back on the emotional rollercoaster
  • the time c. and i found out that lord birthday's true identity is an osu business professor named chad
  • the time soon after bullet point #5 when c. fell hard in love with a guy from iowa and said "i've never felt this way about anyone before" (guuuurl if only u knew who ur talkin to)
jul 2 2017 ∞
may 20 2020 +