• the time i got forbidden to go to friend's birthday party b/c she had an older brother and he might "try something" with me
  • the time i got forbidden to go to another friend's party b/c she lived in an area with "too many mexicans"
  • the countless times i wasn't allowed to go anywhere because it was in a "bad part" of town, i.e. too far south, west, or downtown
  • the time my voicemail got listened to and i got in shit because a friend left a voicemail, and this friend was male
  • the time i got in shit for simply talking to a male friend after 1) a theatre performance, and 2) a concert, at night b/c apparently all males turn into rapists when the sun goes down
  • the time i was told i could no longer carry my laptop under my arm while walking home b/c i "might get mugged" and b/c "there are black people walking around"
  • the time i couldn't hand out candy to kids on halloween b/c someone ringing the doorbell could "try to force his way into the house"
  • the times i'm not allowed to use plastic containers/plastic wrap in the microwave b/c "it leaches toxic chemicals into the food" despite this being a documented hoax
nov 7 2013 ∞
may 20 2020 +