• back teeth are floating
    • "to have a strong urge to urinate"
  • cruisin for a bruisin
    • "following a course of action likely to result in injury or other trouble for oneself"
  • gaping asshole
    • "an exceptionally mean or contemptible person"
  • go pound sand (down a rathole)
    • "expression of disdain similar to 'get lost,' but ruder - not only do you want them to go away, you want them to do something stupid and pointless, implying they don't have enough sense to do anything worthwhile"
  • have someone by the short and curlies
    • "have complete control of someone"
  • hell on wheels
    • "great difficulty or trouble"
  • put the hurt on someone / put someone in a world of hurt
    • "to injure or damage (someone or something)" / "to put someone in a large amount of pain or despair"
  • shit list
    • "a list one keeps of people, places, or things that one considers worthless, undesirable, or contemptible"
  • shit the bed (on)
    • "to fail, often in a complete and irreparable fashion"
  • talk shit, get hit
    • self-explanatory
  • tear someone a new one
    • "to criticize, berate, or upbraid one in an extremely belligerent and angry manner"
jan 3 2021 ∞
sep 25 2022 +