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how many times did i wash my hands? it turns out i never stopped counting this... lets see where this goes
imagina lavar a mao 25 vezes seguidas e ainda nao sentir ela limpa
meus pais tao com covid
relativamente um dia bom se comparado com os anteriores (mas ainda podia ser mt melhor... tinha dias q eu fechava com 30 vezes so). uma hora tive o pensamento de lavar mais vezes seguidas, n lavei e nao me senti angustiada depois. entao ta ok pro q tava pelo menos
hj foi foda (mais do q ontem ate por mais q eu nao tenha lavado a mao tantas vezes. como sera q funciona isso.)
bad day. really bad day. i kept feeling unease because i didnt feel clean enough. felt really bad. my body started to shiver a few times because of the urge to wash my hands again and it wouldnt pass when i washed them.
kind of a bad day.
i think it was a bad day too. but it was worse yesterday, even if i washed my hands more times today. idk it doesnt make sense
(48 vezes praticamente so de duas vezes que fui no banheiro)
sai de casa
what is going on this month. i think things are bad
i think counting is not helping anymore. also have a rash rn so every time i treat it i wash my hands excessively after
sera q eh possivel minha mao ter desenvolvido uma resistencia a isso?? eu to lavando a mao mais q o dobro do que antes e ela nao fica mais machucada igual ja ficou
fiquei mt ansiosa pq teve visita. quase nao sai do quarto e evitei mexer em tudo pq nao queria lavar a mao se outra pessoa tinha encostado ali.
levantei da cama e boom lavei a mao 42 vezes
to tendo q cuidar de 2 machucados. well
sai de casa. mexi em mta coisa
comecei o dia "bem mas enfim. cuidar d machucado ainda me faz lavar mtas vezes
sai de casa. atendi a porta
nao consigo parar de me COÇAR
podia ser 54 se nao fosse antes d dormir
a bad day. sometimes i think its not really a bad day because i had reasons to wash my hands (like i touched some dirty things and had the need to wash my hands excessively after). but i have to remember that not everyone have the need to wash their hands excessively after touching dirty things. i think its normal to wash them properly like 2 times but i washed like 20 times. im pretty sure my hands were already clean and i still had the need to wash them MORE. so yeah, it counts as a bad day.
n foi um dia ruim mas sai de casa
(?) fiquei o dia fora de casa. antes de sair acho q so lavei 5 vezes
minha mae deixou outra pessoa usar o banheiro
a lata de lixo do banheiro tava cheia
sei la. genuinamente n lembro o q rolou pra isso
im kinda triggered but its ok. didnt feel that anxious
ok. time to control myself again bc what is happening this month
im feeling a little insane i guwss
talvez isso pare qnd eu parar de ter q limpar a rodinha da cadeira do pc
to com covid
eh... n sei o q ta rolando esses dias
16 antes do banho !!
limpei a cadeira do pc
24 antes do banho... dps rip
acho q nao foi hj q melhorei .
(mas tb limpei o quarto. mas ja tava ruim ja)
pqp ..
i think today was a bad day because i felt a little anxious and unclean, bothered with my own existence.
idk maybe it will be better tomorrow
i keep thinking "maybe it will be better tomorrow". and then tomorrow comes and it's worse
idk. i wasnt using the bathroom that often because i was feeling a little triggered, but it was leading to medical complications so now i am drinking more water and going to the bathroom more often. i think it's probably why i'm watching my hands more. it's still triggering idk why but im doing it... thats why the count is so high
threw away my face soap because it fell on the floor (before that it fell on the sink and i scraped it...)
i dont even know
i rarely feel at edge anymore. as expected the meds help with my anxiety but don't help with the problem itself. i just keep doing routines but without the dreading anxiety that used to come with them
things are sooo... i think i should stop counting this
woke up at like 4am and was already triggered by something
i need to calm down
girl.... help
i will really try to control myself tomorrow. the problem is that if it starts getting bad from the beggining i give up on controlling it for the rest of the day.
i was doing good and then i wasnt
it's always something
i might have a problem
and i wasnt even at home for almost the whole day so idk what happened
god im your weakest soldier
i dont want to talk about it
theres always SOMETHING. i was triggered today
suspeita de covid
to com covid
i NEED to get better
mosca me gatilha muito.
i cant seem to stop
some things are triggering me. i dont really know what
arrumei meu armario depois de 2 anos (nao precisava lavar a mao mais de 100 vezes ANTES do almoço mas..)
an ok day. i should get better
mona o sabonete ta acabando manera aihhh ..