• The smell of a campfire.
  • Finding out that someone does the same weird things as you do.
  • Catching something before it hits the ground.
  • Re-reading old conversations.
  • The smell of fresh laundry.
  • Accomplishing something before the microwave beeps.
  • Proving a smart person wrong.
  • When you and your best friend say the same thing at the same time.
  • Being dismissed on the last day of school.
  • Waking up and actually remembering your dream.
  • Seedless grapes.
  • When you finally remember the name of the song that’s been stuck in your head.
  • Giving random acts of kindness.
  • Hellos.
  • The soft feeling of a brand-new eraser.
  • People who treat their parents lovingly.
  • Correct grammar.
  • Finishing a final exam.
  • When a little kid draws you a picture.
  • Magazine perfume samples.
  • The smell of my mum’s homemade cooking. (and grandmla's!)
  • Being in a fantastic mood, just because.
  • Waking up and realizing you have more time to sleep.
  • Writing/drawing on foggy windows.
  • Deep conversations with your best friend.
  • Christmas lights at night.
  • Getting new school supplies.
  • Riding in a shopping cart.
  • Catching up with an old friend.
  • Singing in the shower.
  • Never-ending conversations.
  • A pen that works really well.
  • Good morning texts.
  • Stumbling across really old songs, but still being able to remember all the lyrics.
  • The sound of a cat’s purr.
  • Continuous green lights when driving.
  • The smell of a new book.
  • Marathons of your favourite show.
  • Getting backed up in an argument.
  • When you finally remember what you came into the room for.
  • Flipping to a new month on your calendar.
  • Feeling the warmth of the sun on your skin.
  • When a person’s laugh is funnier than the joke.
  • The sound a soda can makes when you open it.
  • Remembering stories of how you met someone.
  • Overhearing someone say nice things about you.
  • Crossing things off your To-Do List.
  • The feeling of a good stretch after sleeping.
  • A full tank of gas.
  • Contagious laughter.
  • Learning a new language and using it in real life.
  • Getting 100% on a ridiculously hard test.
  • When you finish writing right at the end of a page.
  • Falling asleep to the sound of rain.
  • Teachers you can joke with.
  • Bubble baths.
  • Eating cookie dough.
  • Finding money in your pocket.
  • Ice cream in waffle cones.
  • Waking up just before your alarm goes off.
  • Cookies straight out of the oven.
  • Perfect shower temperature.
  • The fresh, clean feeling after a shower.
  • The satisfying feeling of making someone laugh really hard.
  • A clean room.
  • Not being able to finish a sentence because you’re laughing so hard about the ending.
  • Actually finding food in the fridge.
  • Guys who smell good.
  • The first chews on a new piece of gum.
  • Spontaneous adventures.
  • When he smiles at you.
  • Picking/peeling off dried glue.
  • The first hug from someone you haven’t seen in a long time.
  • Accents.
  • Sunshine after a rainy day.
  • A new toothbrush.
  • When someone tells you that you smell nice.
  • Young children with good manners.
  • Free stuff.
  • When your parents say yes instead of the expected no.
  • The new car smell.
  • When somebody actually says bless you when you sneeze in class.
  • Fresh air.
  • Parking your car at the same time the song ends.
  • A perfect cup of coffee.
  • Nicknames.
  • The smell of just-shampooed hair.
  • When the vending machine gives you more than you paid for.
  • The brief moment of silence when you drive under a bridge on a rainy day.
  • Wearing new clothes for the first time.
  • Being told that you’ve made someone’s day.
  • When the last item in the store is your size.
  • Waking up and realizing your bad dream wasn’t real.
  • Freckles.
  • When your turn signal goes along to the beat of the music you’re listening to.
  • When someone is excited to see you.
  • Arriving at the bus stop right on time.
  • When you catch something that was thrown to you from far away.
  • Watching a new episode of your favorite tv show.
  • When you catch someone cute staring at you.
  • The first time a person says your name.
  • The first signs of spring.
  • Perfectly peeling off a price sticker.
  • The fresh feeling after brushing your teeth.
  • Twisting the lid of a jar when no one else was able to.
  • Taking a perfect picture.
  • When people enjoy the food you make.
  • A warm towel after a shower.
  • Your favourite part of a song.
  • The excitement of your pet when you come home.
  • Easy-to-peel citrus fruits.
  • Songs that match your mood.
  • Waking up and not being tired.
  • Solving a really long math problem correctly.
  • Flipping to the right page of a book on the first try.
  • When the weather feels just right.
  • The feeling after a good workout.
  • Pre-sharpened pencils.
  • Clever puns.
  • When someone understands your humour.
  • Writing on the first page of a notebook.
mar 19 2024 ∞
mar 29 2024 +