• parent called me derogatory names and slurs more than once
  • parent degraded and humiliated me in front of others for fun
  • parent insulted and devalued something really important to me
  • parent yelled and swore at me in anger more than once
  • parent blamed me for things that were out of my control/not my fault
  • parent shamed me for my physical appearance
  • parent guilt-tripped me for not pleasing them well enough
  • parent regarded me as a burden, and shamed me for needing them at all
  • parent insisted I couldn’t take a joke after I got hurt from their insults
  • parent never comforted me/got angry if I reached for comfort
  • parent punished me for crying/showing fear/showing trauma symptoms
  • parent subtly let me know that my feelings and my problems don’t matter
  • parent got angry at me for feeling depressed/angry/tired/suicidal
  • parent blamed me for feeling depressed/angry/tired/suicidal
  • parent compared me to cousins/other children to prove how I’m the worst
  • parent decided for me how I feel when it was convenient for them
  • parent told me that I was crazy/delusional/need to be locked away
  • parent refused to accept my sexuality/tried to force it to change
  • parent assured me that nobody will ever want me
  • parent insisted that I was lucky and that I could have had it much worse
  • parent insisted that their harmful acts were all made “out of love”
  • parent punished me for trying to establish boundaries
  • parent denied doing any of this and insists that all the blame is on me
apr 1 2024 ∞
apr 14 2024 +