• I shoplifted once in my life. Just one time. Obviously I got caught XD never done it again. Lesson learned.
  • I climbed onto the cargo train with one of my best friends and we departed to another city. When the staff found us, they informed our parents. I don't remember my dad being that mad, ever XD he had some troubles in work because of it. After all, he was a railway worker and everybody knew I was his son XD
  • But then, we did the same thing again. This time we ran away before anyone noticed XD
  • Me and my sister were eating cherries while sitting by the window and spitting out the pits on pedestrians' heads. We didn't know the neighbour from the floor up was observing us. Of course she had to share it with our parents XD
  • Me and my friend made a swing of 2.5 diameter wire. Then we both sat on it and obviously it broke. We fell into a hole in the ground that was full of nettles... face down. I think I can't explain what was next.
  • Our friends group used to visit abandoned buildings and do some so-called "urban exploration". During one of such trips I stepped on a nail and it got stuck in my foot.
  • I fell from the bike while crossing the street. The car barely managed to brake in front of me.
  • I got hit by a funeral house caravan as a teenager.
  • I hit my head over the table when I was one year old. I suffered a concussion and I have a visible scar on my forehead.
  • Me and my friend have trespassed someone's property where they were building the house. We had fun wandering through empty rooms until the owner found out XD
  • I sent a prank message to the wrong number and ended up being reported to the police. They were confused when they found a 12 years old kid there.
may 25 2024 ∞
jun 6 2024 +