• cut the tags off of an itchy sweater
  • realized my body can’t handle very much caffeine
  • realized that eating apples makes my stomach hurt
  • wished a public place didn’t start decorating for Christmas so early
  • realized that you were allergic to the book dust on the pages of old books
  • tried a pumpkin spice latte and thought it tasted disgusting
  • found a worm inside of an apple
  • dressed for warm weather and then wished I had dressed warmer when the weather turned out to be colder than I expected
  • didn’t bring my jacket with me to an event and then later wished I had brought it, because I was cold
  • worn an itchy sweater
  • realized I didn’t like pumpkin spice
  • worn an itchy scarf
  • accidentally burnt myself when trying to light a candle
apr 1 2024 ∞
apr 29 2024 +