Free Rewards

  • • Call (or spend a day with) a friend or family member who makes you smile.
  • • Create a personal sanctuary. Create a private space in your room where you can relax.
  • • Dance and sing.
  • • Designate a lazy day and do absolutely nothing.
  • • Do a crossword puzzle or word search.
  • • Draw or doodle.
  • • Engage in a little gardening.
  • • Enjoy a bubble bath or a long shower.
  • • Enjoy an at-home-spa day.
  • • Go screenless for an hour.
  • • Host a game night and play classics such as Pictionary, Twister, and Charades with friends.
  • • Knit, crochet, cross stitch, embroider, or sew.
  • • Lie in a hammock.
  • • Play poker or another card game with friends.
  • • Re-organize your closet.
  • • Sit on a porch swing.
  • • Take a short break during the workday.
  • • Take photos.
  • • Visit the library or bookstore and browse.
  • • Volunteer at the local shelter.
  • • Write a note to a friend or family member you haven’t spoken to in a while. Include a note
  • about how you're thankful for how they've positively impacted your life.

Entertainment Rewards

  • • Enjoy a laugh at a local comedy club.
  • • Go to a carnival, festival, or arts and crafts show.
  • • Go to a concert.
  • • Go to an art gallery.
  • • Listen to an awesome podcast.
  • • Listen to music that motivates, energizes, or relaxes you.
  • • Marathon your favorite show on Netflix.
  • • Plan a night out with your friends.
  • • Play a Wii game.
  • • Play pool.
  • • Play your favorite online game.
  • • Attend a sporting event.
  • • See a movie in the middle of the day when the theater’s not full.
  • • Sing karaoke.
  • • Throw a party.
  • • Visit the museum.
  • • Watch (or re-watch) a movie at home.
  • • Watch all the cute animal videos on YouTube you want.
  • • Watch bloopers and funny videos on You Tube.

Travel and Outdoor Rewards

  • • Build a fire and enjoy its comforting warmth.
  • • Discover a local hot spot or tourist site you’ve never taken the time to visit.
  • • Enjoy a leisurely morning walk at the park.
  • • Take a nice hike by yourself or with friends.
  • • Find a peaceful place to sit and do nothing for a while, soaking up the sun or feeling the
  • gentle breeze.
  • • Fly a kite.
  • • Go camping and enjoy some fresh air.
  • • Go canoeing, paddle boarding, kayaking, or surfing.
  • • Go for a nice bike ride.
  • • Go for a swim.
  • • Go geocaching.
  • • Go horseback riding.
  • • Go star gazing.
  • • Play Frisbee.
  • • Sit at the beach when it’s empty because everyone else is at work.
  • • Take a joyride with friends or family.
  • • Visit a pick-your-own farm or orchard and harvest sunflowers, strawberries, apples, and other
  • homegrown treats.
  • • Watch the sunrise or sunset.

Food Rewards

  • • Eat your favorite pastry or cake.
  • • Cook your favorite dish.
  • • Eat at your favorite restaurant.
  • • Give in to your sweet tooth and eat your favorite candy.
  • • Enjoy your lunch outdoors.
  • • Make a gourmet dessert.
  • • Take a break from work and buy your favorite ice cream or frozen yogurt.
  • • Treat yourself to a smoothie or milkshake.
  • • Buy some fancy cheese and crackers.

Self-Care Rewards

  • • Meet a friend on a Saturday morning for a cappuccino or brunch.
  • • Sign up for a charity walk or running event.
  • • Sign up for a yoga or Sumba dancing class.
  • • Get a manicure or pedicure (or both).
  • • Get a new hairstyle or try a fresh hair color.
  • • Take a guilt-free nap.
  • • Take time to do your hair and makeup.
  • • Wear a new scent that pleases you.
  • • Wear something that makes you feel confident.
  • • Write in your journal.
  • • Go to sleep early.
  • Shopping Rewards
  • • Begin a “rewards savings.” Reward yourself with money. Every time you reach a goal, add $1
  • or $5 to your “rewards savings” account.
  • • Brighten up your goal calendar with stickers. Use stickers to highlight achievements and
  • emphasize deadlines.
  • • Buy a new app. Whether it be a game app or something related to your goals.
  • • Buy a plant for your bedside table or garden. Plants in your workspace promote happiness and
  • productivity.
  • • Buy yourself a fresh bouquet of flowers to display in your home.
  • • Buy yourself a nice journal to write reflections, emotions, goals, and dreams in.
  • • Give someone an unexpected gift.
  • • Redecorate your bedroom.
aug 21 2024 ∞
aug 21 2024 +