• Kissing (forehead, cheek, etc): yes.
  • Kissing (mouth): only little pecks. No making out please.
  • Hand holding: not necessarily.
  • Cuddling: on occasion.
  • Hugging: yes.
  • Other affectionate touching: I wouldn't mind.
  • Hugging in public: why not, in a friendly way.
  • Cuddling in public: lol? no.
  • Kissing (forehead, cheek, etc) in public: okay.
  • Kissing (mouth) in public: nah.
  • Hand holding in public: not necessarily.
  • Other affectionate touch in public: nay.
  • Eye gazing: I don't think so.
  • Crying on: yea done it already and his way of comforting me is not really what I want or need to hear XD
  • Being cried on: no problem, but I suck at advices.
  • Massage (giving): yea why not.
  • Massage (receiving): do it please. My back is killing me.
  • Hair brushing (giving): I was going it with my sister, so no big difference for me.
  • Hair brushing (receiving): only if you don't pull much.
  • Nail painting (giving): n/a.
  • Nail painting (receiving): n/a.
  • Shaving (giving): nope, I don't trust my hands XD
  • Shaving (receiving): had it done, it was okay and it's even better than when I do it myself.
  • Bathing together (with bathing suits): we were going to the beach and swimming pools and that felt pretty normal.
  • Bathing together (naked): done it before and it was normal, too.
  • Seeing my partner naked: no problem for me, I got used to it.
  • My partner seeing me naked: no problem either.
  • Feeding my partner: like, buying him food? Yes. Literal feeding? Nope, it's lame.
  • Being fed by my partner: him buying me food - yes, me being literally fed - nope.
  • Tickling (being tickled): nah I'm too ticklish for that.
  • Tickling (doing the tickling): yea I'm cruel.
  • Terms of endearment: nah we both have them. We just jokingly call each other "sweetie".
  • Being called “best friend”: of course.
  • Being called “partner”: of course.
  • Being called romantically-coded words (boyfriend, girlfriend, etc): sure.
  • Me having other platonic partners: no, I wouldn't call it "partners".
  • My partner having other platonic partners: nah.
  • Me having other romantic partners: nope, I'm aro.
  • My partner having other romantic partners: nope, he's aro as well.
  • My partner doing romantic-coded things with someone else: I can't even imagine him doing that XD
  • Me doing romantic-coded things with someone else: again, I'm aro.
  • My partner doing sexual things with someone else: lol no.
  • Me doing sexual things with someone else: nope, I'm ace.
  • Touching my partner sexually: I don't really like it.
  • Being touched by my partner sexually: nope, I don't like it.
  • Having sex of any kind with my partner [specify if yes]: yes, but only for his benefit because he's sexual, I'm not.
  • Sexual kink with my partner [specify if yes]: no.
  • Non-sexual kink with my partner [specify if yes]: no.
  • “Romantically coded” gifts (flowers, chocolates, etc): wouldn't mind, although it's not necessary.
  • Dancing: neither of us dances.
  • Bed sharing (non-affectionate): sure, we do it and it's normal.
  • Bed sharing (cuddling): on occasion.
  • Tucking my partner in: no?
  • Being tucked in: no?
  • Living together: yeah, we do live together.
  • (Platonic) marriage: yes we are married.
  • Raising children together: only my stepson as my spouse has a child from previous relationship.
  • Having pets together: yeah we have a cat, previously we had two.
jun 6 2024 ∞
jun 6 2024 +