((will add personal notes using double brackets))

Barbara Currie Power Of Yoga on Youtube

also Barabara Currie's actual youtube channel


Healthy Eating Plan

Let this brilliant plan help you to lose weight and get into great shape fast

First the good news!

Most people find their shape changes beautifully when they start yoga. Bumps and bulges miraculously disappear and they are thrilled with their new lean muscle tone

Yoga balances your entire body including your weight, helping you to slim down easily and naturally. It does this by:

  • Stimulating your glands which can help to boost your metabolism.
  • Creating long lean muscles which look beautiful and weigh less than those toned by muscle building exercises.
  • As you reduce your level of tension by yoga's relaxing stretches, you will find that you are no longer tempted to eat to relieve stress.
  • As your energy level improves you will live more energetically and do more and food will take a more normal role in your day. You will no longer look to food to stimulate energy and relieve boredom.
  • Your taste buds will naturally change - you will start to lean towards fresh, natural and healthy foods. ((Can vouch for this. Sweets make me nauseous unless it's baked, icecream or something chocolate))

Having said all of the above my pupils have been asking my diet secrets for years. They want to shape up fast!!! ((ngl even skinnyfat ladies will take about 4-6 months to see muscle tone/differences so don't rush it. we can only physically gain 0.5lb-1Lb / 227g-453g of muscle a week✌ but can lose 1.1lb-2.2lbs / 500g-1kg of fat per week. So scale won't be accurate to how much you've really lost or gained. Any appearance of fast weight loss or gain is just water weight aka muscle glycogen ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ so I've stopped using my scale other than to re-work my diet every 3-6 months with new nutrition needs.))

Here is the secret.

As part of my nursing ahahhhhh 1% battery aaaaaaahh

okay I'm okay

As part of my nursing training I had the good fortune to work on a ward specialising in nutrition and metabolism problems. I became so interested in food, nutrition and the value of fresh natural healthy food, and of eating a balanced amount of food regularly three times a day. I read everything I could find on nutrition and in fact still do even to this day. ((women with pcos/insulin issues benefit from eating 6 small meals a day however))

I decided there and then to make myself an eating plan that would give me energy, keep me healthy and slim, and fit into a demanding work schedule with irregular hours and an exciting and busy social life.

That was many years ago and I have kept to my plan improving it and altering it as I continue to learn about nutrition.

The first thing I noticed on changing my diet was that my skin improved, I lost weight, my energy level soared and I felt better than I had felt for years.

Nowadays I teach yoga performing every movement with my pupils for over 20 hours every week, attend meetings, give talks and lead a very active life. I feel fantastic and that is why I am confident of sharing my plan with you.

Golden rules for a slim and healthy you

  • Eat 3 meals a day with nothing in between. 1 piece of fruit if a mealtime has to be delayed. If you do have a fruit snack, deduct 1 fruit from one of your main meals. ((I actually find better results eating every 2 hours when I have the opportunity to do so. I still have a 27" waist so it doesn't increase weight gain.))
  • Eat slowly, chew your food thoroughly and enjoy every mouthful.
  • Never eat standing up. ((I do this anyway lol)) Make every meal look really pretty ((I do not do this lol)) and make sure you sit down to eat it. This stops you nibbling between meals and grabbing hurried snacks or finishing children's left overs! ((...( ° ͜ʖ °) The trick is not to have snacks in the house to begin with unless it's dried fruit.))
  • Eat the foods on the lists and also note the portion size recommended - if you are given too much simply leave the excess.

Permitted Foods

Fresh Fruits

One portion equals one of each of the following:-1 apple/pear/orange/peach/1 small banana/a dish of berries/ ½ a small melon/a large slice of watermelon/ ½ grapefruit/3 apricots/3 plums3 figs etc. Every fresh fruit is allowed. (Do not have tinned, stewed or frozen fruit) ((<— i have frozen fruit but I'll admit I've never had tinned))

Fresh vegetables and salads

All vegetables are allowed except crisps, chips, potatoes, and corn on the cob. The latter two may be eaten occasionally as a substitute for the rice or pasta for dinner. Try to have as much variety as possible. Have them raw, steamed, boiled or stir fried - never deep fried.

1 portion = 3 tablespoons of cooked vegetables. Salad ingredients - have as much as you like but make sure they are fresh and raw, and remember only 1 tablespoon of dressing.


All sorts are allowed - grill, steam, poach or pan fry with very little oil ((women primarily use fat in their diets for energy so oil doesn't hurt imo)). Do not deep fry. Try to have oily fish 3 times per week.

Chicken, poultry, game and veal

All sorts are allowed. Again, grill, poach, steam, barbecue but do not deep fry.

Red meat - Beef, lamb, pork etc

Twice per week only. ((Ngl I've searched studies of this and it's okay to eat red meat more often because the "red meat is unhealthy!!!1!" studies had people who drank and smoked so... I think it was an unfair correlation to apply to red meat. It's literally just protein.))

Eggs and cheese

Both are allowed in the amounts shown.


Only whole grains are allowed in the amounts shown. No white bread, rice or pasta. ((True I never eat white bread/rice/pasta.))


½ pint daily semi-skimmed milk and natural yoghurt in the amounts shown. ((When I was doing keto to get my concentration up while studying I used 5% whole milk and I still lost weight and gained muscle. Probably because women primarily use fat in our diet.))

Not permitted

(until you have reached your desired weight)

Biscuits, cakes, sweets, chocolates, ice cream, buns, bagels, chips, spirits, jam, soft drinks, canned drinks, hot chocolate, beer, breakfast cereals, puddings, sugar. ((Can attest that I don't really keep these in the house and if I do they're usually for someone else. I will use green & black's cocoa powder and honey to make hot chocolate sometimes tho :3))

NO DIET PRODUCE - just fresh natural healthy food.



(Slip this into your bag and take it everywhere).


  • 1 portion fresh fruit and 1 natural yoghurt or
  • 2 portions of any fresh fruit chopped and drizzled with 1 tsp honey or
  • 1 slice granary toast and a little butter and either
  • 1 piece of fresh fruit or a glass or fresh fruit juice
  • ((I just have fruit and/or pure porridge oats))


  • 4oz chicken, turkey or fish; 2 eggs; 2oz cheese; 4oz red meat (N.B. red meat is twice a week only).
  • PLUS
  • A large salad (use different raw fresh ingredients and 1 large tablespoon of olive oil and vinegar dressing), or
  • instead of a salad have 2 fresh cooked vegetables


  • 1 piece fresh fruit


  • Starter - Melon, fresh asparagus, clear soup or tomato salad

Main course

  • 4oz chicken, fish, veal or red meat (N.B. red meat is twice a week only).
  • or small whole grain rice or pasta dish.
  • Two fresh vegetables or large raw salad and
  • 1 tablespoonful of oil and vinegar dressing.


  • 1 piece of fresh fruit

To Drink

  • 6-8 glasses of water per day. Herbal tea as desired.
  • Coffee and tea limit to 5 cups per day. ((I'd suggest 2 cups only tbh))
  • Wine - 1 glass only with dinner if desired. ((I'd suggest 2 glasses a week only. Why is red meat not recommended yet a glass of wine a day is okay? lmfao))


Note : You have masses of choice here so this plan will fit into the busiestife style, and cope with any social engagement but you must vary yoir food choices to make sure you have all the vitamins and minerals you need. If you have chicken with salad for lunch, have fish and vegetables for dinner, for instance. Then have different choices the next day.

Once you have reached your desired weight, gradually increase the amounts of your food to maintain your weight. If you gain 3-4lbs ((oh no!)) then immediately return to your plan until your weight is corrected, and gradually you will find that you reach a level where your weight stays the same and maintains it effortlessly and naturally, and then you will keep in shape for life.

Good luck and good health.

Very best wishes

Barbara Currie


((Okay nice! Thanks for reading, hope this was useful.))

jul 30 2022 ∞
jan 17 2024 +