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  • sometimes it's nice not to have a goal, and just draw what i feel like drawing and if i have an idea on how to make things better i start doing it. then my art can evolve on its own without a goal in mind from the start.
  • i'm going to need something healthy to do when I'm old that isn't sitting in front of the tv 7 hours a day
  • What I do is what I get.
  • The day I plant the seed is not the day I eat the fruit.
  • This month's choices are next month's results, it's that quick.
  • Anything I'm afraid of going without will still be there during and after the process.
  • I want to discover the amazing things I can learn to do with my body.
  • Please remember that false conclusions about yourself and comparisons about yourself are just that. Please remember that what you do determines who you are, and not that your identity about yourself determines what you do. Notice any discouragement rising and do your best to ignore it, set it aside and say to yourself "even if I am [discouraging statement] I am going to give it a go." Please do not let what other people do determine your motivation in order to live free from a reactive lifestyle. Assumptions and comparisons about yourself does not need action taken on the basis of them. Take a step back and ask yourself "what is it about this that threatens me?" And then notice and restrict what creates distractions from motivations.
  • Habits take time to break, keep interrupting your negative habits.
  • You're allowed to hate something you made and carry on in spite of the frustration.
  • You're allowed to love something you made and carry on knowing that you haven't used up your creativity, but rather are expanding what you're capable of.
  • It's okay to expand your horizons beyond "what you want" to create something you know you need.
  • It's okay to sail uncharted territories while you navigate your way around a new subject.
  • You're allowed to confront yourself through art. It's like a "silent acknowledgement" medium.
  • Choose to make use of your brain's full potential via one of the most vast and insanely difficult hobbies (☆`• ω •´)b
  • Achieve all you want as an artist and then feel free to move on. Nothing needs to be permanent and forever. It's about enjoying what's there and what you make.


  • Comic (synopsis to story map > script > rough storyboard > tighter sketch > lettering > lines)
    • Short story: goal doesnt change / Longer story: goal may change
    • A story is like evidence of why your character has a goal and wants to achieve it. all the cast have goals. to justify the need to achieve her goal, your character's motivations are established. her history establishes the situations and events that created her motivations. her personality is what helps her achieve the goal. her history justifies why she developed the personality she has.
oct 25 2023 ∞
apr 27 2024 +