- adopt a cat
- buy no new yarn (stash dive ‘25) (except white or black)
- finish 25 knit/crochet ufos (unfinished objects)
- finish the 2025 temperature blanket & snake
- finish the spanish course on duolingo
- get healthy (i.e. walk; dentist; eating better; etc)
- go to a postcrossing meetup
- help my parents with the house painting
- hippofreex
- journal
- keep up with the planners
- knit/crochet something for charity
- lose 25 pounds
- open an etsy shop and/or vend at a craft fair
- organize my yarn stash
- research moving the shrimp
- run a mile
- sew something
- visit an aquarium
- visit an art museum
- visit my grandmother
- walk 25 miles using pokémon go daily incense
- write to 25 people on geopostcards (04/25)
- write to 25 people on postcard united (05/25)
- write to 25 people on postcrossing (18/25)
dec 19 2024 ∞
mar 26 2025 +