ALABAMA (AL) - the yellowhammer state; the heart of dixie; the cotton state
- ❝audemus jura nostra defendere❞ - (we dare defend our rights)
- capital: montgomery
- bird: yellowhammer, colaptes auratus
- flower: camellia, camellia japonica l.
- 22nd to join the union
ALASKA (AK) - the last frontier
- ❝north to the future❞
- capital: juneau
- bird: willow ptarmigan, lagopus lagopus
- flower: forget-me-not, myosotis
- 49th to join the union
ARIZONA (AZ) - the grand canyon state; the copper state; the valentine state
- ❝ditat deus❞ - (god enriches)
- capital: phoenix
- bird: cactus wren, camphylorhynchus brunneicapillus
- flower: saguaro cactus blossom, Carnegiea gigantea
- 48th to join the union
ARKANSAS (AR) - the natural state; land of opportunity
- ❝regnat populus❞ - (the people rule)
- capital: little rock
- bird: mockingbird, mimus polyglottos
- flower: apple blossom, speyeria diana
- 25th to join the union
CALIFORNIA (CA) - the golden state
- ❝eureka❞
- capital: sacramento
- bird: california quail, callipepla california
- flower: california poppy, eschscholzia california
- 31st to join the union
COLORADO (CO) - the centennial state
- ❝nil sine numine❞ - (nothing without providence)
- capital: denver
- bird: lark bunting, calamospiza melanocorys
- flower: rocky mountain columbine, aquilegia coerulea
- 38th to join the union
CONNECTICUT (CT) - the constitution state; the nutmeg state; the provisions state; the land of steady habits
- ❝qui transtulit sustinet❞ - (he who transplanted still sustains)
- capital: hartford
- bird: american robin, turdus migratorius
- flower: mountain laurel, kalmia latifolia
- 5th to join the union
DELAWARE (DE) - the first state; the small wonder; blue hen state; the diamond state
- ❝liberty and independence❞
- capital: dover
- bird: delaware blue hen, gallus domesticus
- flower: peach blossom, prunus persica
- 1st to join the union
FLORIDA (FL) - the sunshine state
- ❝in god we trust❞
- capital: tallahassee
- bird: northern mockingbird, mimus polyglottos
- flower: orange blossom, citrus sinensis
- 27th to join the union
GEORGIA (GA) - the peach state; empire state of the south
- ❝wisdom, justice & moderation❞
- capital: atlanta
- bird: brown thrasher, toxostoma rufum
- flower: cherokee rose, rosa laevigata
- 4th to join the union
HAWAII (HI) - the aloha state; paradise of the pacific; the islands of aloha; the 808 state
- ❝ua mau ke ea o ka 'āina i ka pono❞ - (the life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness)
- capital: honolulu
- bird: hawaiian goose (nēnē), branta sandvicensis
- flower: yellow hibiscus (pua aloalo; ma'o hau hele), hibiscus brackenridgei a. gray
- 50th to join the union
IDAHO (ID) - the gem state; the potato state
- ❝esto perpetua❞ - (let it be perpetual)
- capital: boise
- bird: mountain bluebird, sialia currucoides
- flower: syringa, philadelphus lewisii
- 43rd state to join the union
ILLINOIS (IL) - land of lincoln; the prarie state; the inland empire state
- ❝state sovereignty, national union❞
- capital: springfield
- bird: northern cardinal, cardinalis cardinalis
- flower: violet, viola sp.
- 21st state to join the union
INDIANA (IN) - the hoosier state
- ❝the crossroads of america❞
- capital: indianapolis
- bird: northern cardinal, cardinalis cardinalis
- flower: peonie, paeonie
- 19th to join the union
IOWA (IA) - the hawkeye state
- ❝ayúȟwa❞
- capital: des moines
- bird: eastern goldfinch, spinus tristis
- flower: prarie rose, rosa pratincola
- 29th to join the union
KANSAS (KS) - the sunflower state; the wheat state; america's heartland
- ❝ad astra per aspera❞ - (to the stars through difficulties)
- capital: topeka
- bird: western meadowlark, sturnella neglecta
- flower: sunflower
- 34th to join the union
KENTUCKY (KY) - the bluegrass state
- ❝united we stand, divided we fall❞ ❝deo gratiam habeamus❞ - (let us be grateful to god)
- capital: frankfort
- bird: cardinal, cardinalis cardinalis
- flower: goldenrod, solidago gigantea
- 15th to join the union
LOUISIANA (LA) - the pelican state; bayou state; creole state; sportman's paradise; the boot
- ❝union, justice, confidence❞
- capital: baton rouge
- bird: brown pelican, pelecaus occidentalis
- flower: magnolia, magnolia virginiana
- 18th to join the union
MAINE (ME) - the pine tree state; vacationland
- ❝dirigo❞ - (i lead/i guide/i direct)
- capital: augusta
- bird: black-capped chickadee, poecile atricapillus
- flower: white pine cone and tassel, pinus strobus
- 23rd to join the union
MARYLAND (MD) - old line state; free state; little america; america in miniature
- ❝fatti maschii, parole femine❞ - (strong deeds, gentle words)
- capital: annapolis
- bird: baltimore oriole, icterus galbula
- flower: black-eyed susan, rudbeckia hirta
- 7th to join the union
MASSACHUSETTS (MA) - the bay state; the pilgrim state; the puritan state; the old colony state; the baked bean state
- ❝ense petit placidam sub libertate quietem❞ - (by the sword we seek peace, but peace only under liberty)
- capital: boston
- bird: black-capped chickadee, poecile atricapillus
- flower: mayflower, epigaea repens
- 6th to join the union
MICHIGAN (MI) - the great lake state; the wolverine state; water (winter) wonderland
- ❝si quaeris peninsulam amoenam circumspice❞ - (if you seek a pleasant peninsula, look around you)
- capital: lansing
- bird: american robin, turdus migratorius
- flower: apple blossom, malus sp.
MINNESOTA (MN) - north star state; gopher state; land of 10,000 lakes; land of sky blue waters
- ❝l'étoile du nord❞ - (the star of the north)
- capital: saint paul
- bird: common loon, gavia immer
- flower: pink-and-white lady's slipper, cypripedium reginae
MISSISSIPPI (MS) - the magnolia state; the hospitality state
- ❝virtute et armis❞ - (by valor and arms)
- capital: jackson
- bird: northern mockingbird, mimus polyglottos
- flower: magnola, magnola virginiana
MISSOURI (MO) - the show me state; the cave state; mother of the west
- ❝salus populi suprema lex esto❞ - (let the good of the people be the supreme law)
- capital: jefferson City
- bird: bluebird, sialia sialis
- flower: hawthorn, crataegus punctata
- 24th to join the union
MONTANA (MT) - big sky country; the treasure state
- ❝oro y plata❞ - (gold and silver)
- capital: helena
- bird: western meadowlark, sturnella neglecta
- flower: bitterroot, lewisia rediviva
- 41st to join the union
NEBRASKA (NE) - the cornhusker state
- ❝equality before the law❞
- capital: lincoln
- bird: western meadowlark, sturnella neglecta
- flower: goldenrod, solidago gigantea
- 37th to join the union
NEVADA (NV) - the silver state; the sagebrush state; the battle born state
- ❝all for our country❞
- capital: carson city
- bird: mountain bluebird, sialia currucoides
- flower: sagebrush, artemisia tridentata
- 36th to join the union
NEW HAMPSHIRE (NH) - the granite state; white mountain state
- ❝live free or die❞
- capital: concord
- bird: purple finch, haemorhous purpureus
- flower: purple lilac, syringa vulgaris
- 9th to join the union
NEW JERSEY (NJ) - the garden state
- ❝liberty and prosperity❞
- capital: trenton
- bird: eastern goldfinch, carduelis tristis
- flower: common meadow violet, viola sororia
- 3rd to join the union
NEW MEXICO (NM) - the land of enchantment
- ❝crescit eundo❞ - (it grows as it goes)
- capital: santa fe
- bird: greater roadrunner, geococcyx californianus
- flower: yucca flower, yucca sp.
- 47th to join the union
NEW YORK (NY) - the empire state
- ❝excelsior❞ - (ever upward)
- capital: albany
- bird: eastern bluebird, sialia sialis
- flower: rose, rosa majalis
- 11th to join the union
North Carolina
North Dakota
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
VIRGINIA (VA) - old dominion; mother of presidents
- ❝sic semper tyrannis❞ - (thus always to tyrants)
- capital: richmond
- bird: northern cardinal, cardinalis cardinalis
- flower: american dogwood, cornus florida
- 10th to join the union
WASHINGTON (WA) - the evergreen state
- ❝al-ki or alki❞ - (by and by)
- capital: olympia
- bird: american goldfinch, spinus tristis
- flower: pacific rhododendron, rhododendron macrophyllum
- 42nd to join the union
WEST VIRGINIA (WV) - the mountain state
- ❝montani semper liberi❞ - (mountaineers are always free)
- capital: charleston
- bird: northern cardinal, cardinalis cardinalis
- flower: rhododendron
- 35th to join the union
WISCONSIN (WI) - the badger state; america's dairyland
- ❝forward❞
- capital: madison
- bird: american robin, turdus migratorius
- flower: wood violet, viola sororia
- 30th to join the union
WYOMING (WY) - the equality state; the cowboy state; big wyoming
- ❝equal rights❞
- capital: cheyenne
- bird: western meadowlark, sturnella neglecta
- flower: indian paintbrush, castilleja linariaefolia
- 44th to join the union